Project - Due

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Task 0: How to Ask Questions

On a typical project, we expect that you will have many questions. You may also have other general questions about the class outside of the project material.

You can seek answers to these questions from instructors during student hours, from tutors during drop-in hours, and from fellow classmates (as long as you don't discuss code with classmates).

Another important way to learn efficiently is to ask questions using Sakai. We will attempt to respond to questions posted on Sakai in a timely manner during the week, and you can ask both public and private questions there.

There isn't actually anything to do for this "task," but we'd like to make sure you're aware of how to access our Q&A tools, and of course, if you have questions, please ask them!

Tips on posting questions

Tips on email inbox management

We will post announcements to the class email lists, and some of these may be important for you to view in a timely manner. However, you will be getting a lot of email from different classes, clubs, the college, etc.