Note: Here's a video version of this material if you prefer to see things in action instead of reading through text.

How to Use the Ocean Server

To turn in your problem sets, you will upload your python code via the Ocean server (in CS111, you will only use CyberDuck/WinSCP for downloading files). This page gives detailed instructions for using the Ocean server.

Ocean Overview

The Ocean server enables you to do the following:

In order to use the server, you must first authenticate by logging into your Wellesley domain account (you will be prompted to do so).

Welcome to the Ocean server (created by Peter Mawhorter)

Step-by-step instructions for uploading your python code to the Ocean server

  1. Go to the CS111 Ocean Server
  2. Authenticate by logging into your Wellesley domain account
  3. You'll see Ocean's dashboard.
    Note that each task has a light blue background right now. This example will focus on PS01, Task 01: (in the red rectangle below)
    The Ocean interface. There is login information at the very top with a link to log out. Next are quick links for each problem set, followed by a checkbox that can be used to disable form validation (use this only if necessary). Then there is a list of problem sets, each of which has a name, due date information (where the button to request an extension is placed) and series of tasks. Each task has informtion about your submission status, a task name, a form for submitting it including a file chooser and a text field for estimating how long it took you, and a submit button. Each task also has a link to 'View initial feedback' and some warning messages below, which initially indicate that you haven't yet chosen the right filename or estimated your time spent. The warning messages should be linked to the form inputs so you don't have to jump back and forth to check them, although warnings about problems with your submission will also appear at the end of each task.
  4. Click on "Choose File" and browse your laptop to find your file. Note that your selected python file must have the exact name, any other file will generate an error.
    The locaiton of the choose file button within each task. It should be the second element to get focus if you're navigating with Tab, and it should read as 'Submit' followed by a filename, or if things aren't working well, simply as 'Choose file', in which case you can find the text specifying the filename right before it.
  5. Enter a number in the box following "How many hours have you spent on this task (across all attempts)?". If you type a word ("two", as shown below), Ocean will remind you to enter a number. Your hours spent may be an integer (eg 3) or a decimal (eg 3.5).

    The text entry field for estimating time spent. It should be labeled, but the relevant text is just before it if not.
  6. Click on the "Submit task" button (it is disabled until you select a valid file and enter your time spent)

    The submit button, labeled 'Submit task'. It follows the text entry for time spent, and may be disabled if either you have not chosen a file with the required filename, or you have not entered a numerical value for time spent. If validation is too cumbersome, you can disable it using the checkbox at the very top of the page, although unfortunately this setting may not be remembered. Just make sure that you choose the correct file to upload.
  7. This will bring you to a new window
    Note that the text at the bottom initially says "Evaluation is still in progress".

    The feedback view. At the very top, there may be one or more messages about your most recent operation, for example confirming a successful upload. After that is the same login information from the original page, and then after the title, a 'Back to the dashboard' link that will take you back to the previous screen. A sub-title includes links for the problem set and task descriptions, and there may be a link offering to view feedback on a revised (or initial) submission instead of the one you're currently viewing. Next comes information about the deadline for the task you're viewing, and then information about how much time you reported spending. After all of that the actual feedback starts. It has several paragraphs describing the state of things, depending on whether or not you've submitted anything, whether feedback is available or not, and whether any errors have occurred. There will be a final list of messages, which in this case is just a single message indicating that evaluation of your submission is still in-progress. When feedback is available, it will be shown after the messages.
  8. Click refresh to see the results of your code evaluation.
    Note that the text with the green background now says "Your submission is at least partially complete."
    The same screen as described above, this time with a new message saying 'Your submission is at least partially complete'. This is the indicator that what you submitted is at least working at a very basic level, and you won't get more detailed feedback than that before the deadline.
  9. To go back to the Ocean dashboard, click on "Back to the dashboard" text:

    Same screen with the 'Back to the dashboard' link highlighted.
  10. Back at the Ocean dashboard, note the following:
    • the background of PS01 Task 01 is now green (in contrast to the light blue backgrounds of the unsubmitted Tasks 02 and 03)
    • the checkmark above the task1 text indicates the file has been submitted
    • you can resubmit your file multiple times before the due date
      The dashboard again (the first image described on this page) which now shows that the task which was submitted has a check mark (it should read as 'submitted').
    Note the "Take an extension" button on the left. If you opt to take an extension on a pset, click this button and your 24 hour extension is automatically granted.
    The dashboard yet again, showing the location of the 'take an extension' link. It appears as part of the problem set entry (it's not per-task) after the information on the due date, and in tab order should be right after the pset title link and before the first task title.
  12. This shows how the Ocean server reflects the newly amended due date, taking the extension into account for PS01.
    Still the dashboard, with the deadline information highlighted, now including extra text describing that an extension has been taken.
  13. OPTIONAL REVISION [only available after the due date has passed]
    Let's pretend that it is now after the due date for PS01. You have received initial feedback, and your score was less than 95. You may, if you opt to, resubmit your pset for a maximum of 95 points. To do so, resubmit your file (by following Steps #4-6 above)
    A single task within the dashboard, showing the appearance after a deadline has passed. Now, the task has two status indicators (one for the initial submission and one for the revision). After the submit button and before the feedback link, it also now has a grade value displayed, showing 75/100. There is also now a second link to view revision feedback instead of initial feedback..

  14. This will bring you to a window (you may need to click refresh) with feedback. You can click on the question marks for more descriptive information, and the black triangles expand with more feedback details. On the right side of the feedback (not shown here because it contains code), you can see your code and test results in separate tabs.
    Another view of the feedback page, now displaying detailed feedback and a score. The feedback starts with a rubric report detailing which goals you accomplished and which you did not, with a summary at the very top. This has many hidden details that can be expanded to see more information, especially when a goal was not accomplished. After the rubric is a section listing your code, which may include some notes on lines where errors were detected. After that, is a detailed section on the results of all of the tests that were performed, which were used to decide on the status of the goals.

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