CS111 Homework 0

This homework contains four administrative tasks.
Due: 11:00pm EST on Thursday, Jan. 23, 2025.

Task 1: Install CS111 software on your laptop

You will often work on your own computer for coursework. Follow the instructions on the CS111 Software page to (1) install Thonny (a Python coding environment) on your laptop and (2) use Thonny to open a sample Jupyter notebook on your computer. (We use Jupyter notebooks in lectures for practicing Python.)

Please fill out this Software Status Form after attempting to install the CS111 software and running the notebook. If you encounter issues, you can get installation help during CS111 help hours during the first week of class.

Task 2: Create a Gradescope Account (with your Wellesley gmail)

Gradescope is where you will get your graded CS111 quizzes and exams. You must enroll as a CS111 student in Gradescope, by following the steps below. Make sure to use your Wellesley email address.

Task 3: Help us get to know you

This semester there are ~70 students across two lectures.

Task 4: Review the CS111 site

Explore the course site, there's lots of information in there. Below are some particularly useful pages that you should read/familiarize yourself with.