CS111 Problem Set 0

This problem set contains 4 tasks: note the different deadlines. All deadlines are in Wellesley (East Coast) time.

  1. Task 1 is due before 7:00pm (Eastern time) on Monday, October 26th
  2. Task 2, 3 & 4 are due by 11:59pm (Eastern time) on Monday, October 26th
  3. Task 5 must be completed before Wednesday, October 28th

Task 1: Request a CS Account (due: 7:00pm Eastern time Monday, Oct 26th)

Starting with the first lab on September 1st and for the remainder of the term, you will need an account on cs.wellesley.edu, the Wellesley computer science department server. We will often shorten this to "the cs server" or just "cs". You need this account to submit all assignments in CS111.

If you have a Wellesley domain account (all Wellesley College students do) and this is your first Wellesley CS class, then you must fill out this account request form.

This form will first require you to authenticate with your Wellesley username and password. If you have already taken a Wellesley CS course (e.g. CS115), then you do NOT need to fill out the form, but you must instead email Peter Mawhorter (pmawhort@wellesley.edu) and inform him that you already have an account but need it to be set up for CS 111.

Make sure you select "cs111" from the drop-down menu at the bottom before you press the "Submit Account Request" button at the end of the form; if you see a message saying "CAS Authentication failed!" after you log in, click on the link labeled 'here' on the line that says: "You may submit your request again by clicking here."

What if you are not officially enrolled in the class but hope to get in? Go ahead and fill out the account request form. If it turns out that you do not enroll, we will delete your account.

Task 2: Sign up for this class on Piazza (due 11:59pm Eastern time Monday, Oct 26th)

This semester, we are using Piazza for course-related communication. Piazza is highly catered to getting you help fast and efficiently from classmates, our tutors, and the CS111 faculty. Rather than emailing questions to the teaching staff, we encourage you to post your questions (no Python code, please) on Piazza (you can even do so anonymously).

Please sign up for this class on Piazza. This is required for all 111 students.

Task 3: Create a Gradescope Account (due: 11:59pm Eastern time Monday, Oct 26th)

Gradescope is where we you will take quizzes in CS111 and receive feedback on those quizzes.

Task 4: Help us get to know you (due: 11:59pm Eastern time Monday, Oct 26th)

This semester, we have a whole bunch of students taking CS111 across two lectures and four labs. Yeehaw!

Task 5: Review the CS111 site (complete before Wednesday, October 28th lecture)

Explore the course site, there's lots of information in there. Below are some particularly useful pages that you should read/familiarize yourself with.