AnimationWorld -- Animation Players
Animation Players are used to play the animation. There is an AnimationPlayer GUI
component which is added to applets. The space which this component takes on
the applet is known as the "screen size". The animation is projected onto this
screen. If the animation frame size is unspecified, the animation is projected
to fill the screen. If the animation frame size is smaller than the screen size,
the animation is centered on the screen. If the animation frame size is bigger
than the screen size, only the top left corner of the animation frame that fits
on the screen will be shown. The default screen color is black (as opposed to
the default frame color which is white). Therefore, if the animation frame is
smaller than the screen, it will be bordered by the screen color.
To play our animations, we just extend a preexisting AnimationPlayer implementation.
Two animation players are currently available.
- SimpleAnimationPlayer This AnimationPlayer allows users to add one
animation and play it.
- AnimationShowcase This AnimationPlayer is an extension of the
SimpleAnimationPlayer and allows users to add multiple animations and
to switch between the animations. Users may switch between animations
when an animation is running. Animations which are selected always
start from their first frame.
The two players above work in identical ways. There are five
buttons in the interface:
- RESET Puts the animation in its initial state. Stops the animation if it is running.
- PLAY Plays the animation. Does nothing if animation is already running.
- STOP Stops the animation. Does nothing if animation is not playing.
- NEXT Advances to next animation frame. Does nothing if animation is running.
- GOTO Advances to frame number entered in the textfield. Does nothing if animation
is running.
The textfield displays the current frame number and is used for entering desired frame
numbers. Note that the textfield does not seem to be editable under the Symantec
appletviewer, but it does work on PCs and in Netscape on a Mac (haven't tried it elsewhere).
To create an Animation Player for our animation, we extend one of the two
players above, and implement a default constructor method. In the constructor we
create an instance of our animations and add them to the player via the
addAnimation(String name, Animation a)
The SimpleAnimationPlayer will ignore all animations added but the first
one. The choice list for the AnimationShowcase will be in the order that
animations are added to the player. The name is required and is displayed
in the interface.
The following methods may also be used to configure the appearance of the animation
player. All methods are available for both players.
setScreenColor(Color c)
Sets the screen color to the color specified.
Hides the RESET button.
Hides the PLAY button.
Hides the STOP button.
Hides the NEXT button.
Hides the GOTO button.
Note that this method will not work unless the GOTO button
has been hidden first.
Hides all the the buttons and labels so only the animation shows.
The following methods may be used to configure when the animation plays
automatically. By default, animations are not played until users
hit the PLAY button. Animations automatically stop when the user
leaves the web page (goes to another web page) or when the web browser
window loses focus.
Animations will play every time the applet is started in the web
browser. This typically occurs every time the user loads the web
page into the web browser.
Animations will play every time the applet is "painted". This occurs
every time the web browser gains focus or when the user scrolls so that
the applet appears on the page again.
AnimationShowcase only
Animations will play each time a new animation is selected to be the
current selection. The first animation is also played when the applet
is first loaded.
The example code demonstrates most of the features above. Clicking on the
link will open up a new web browser window with the player so you can see
what the player looks like. Each player below would be defined in its own
file named after the name of the animation player class.
Extending the SimpleAnimationPlayer
public class BuggleAnimationPlayer1 extends SimpleAnimationPlayer {
public BuggleAnimationPlayer1 () {
addAnimation("RightBuggle", new BuggleAnimation1());
Extending the SimpleAnimationPlayer again. Can put any animation in the player
with any name.
public class BuggleAnimationPlayer2 extends SimpleAnimationPlayer {
public BuggleAnimationPlayer2 () {
addAnimation("RightLeftBuggle", new BuggleAnimation2());
Setting the animation player to play the animation every time the web page
is loaded.
public class BuggleAnimationPlayer3 extends SimpleAnimationPlayer {
public BuggleAnimationPlayer3 () {
addAnimation("SpyBuggle", new BuggleAnimation3());
Setting the animation player to play the animation every time the applet
is painted. Set the screen color.
public class BuggleAnimationPlayer4 extends SimpleAnimationPlayer {
public BuggleAnimationPlayer4 () {
setScreenColor(new Color(128,0,0)); // maroon
addAnimation("SpyArmy", new BuggleAnimation4());
Placing animation on page with no buttons or labels. Animation is played
each time the web page is loaded.
public class BuggleAnimationPlayer5 extends SimpleAnimationPlayer {
public BuggleAnimationPlayer5 () {
addAnimation("SpyArmyII", new BuggleAnimation5());
Placing animation on page with no buttons or labels. Animation is played
each time web browser window gets focus or user scrolls to show applet.
import java.awt.*; // use colors
public class BuggleAnimationPlayer6 extends SimpleAnimationPlayer {
public BuggleAnimationPlayer6 () {
addAnimation("SpyArmyIII", new BuggleAnimation5(,,,Color.cyan,Color.magenta));
Extension of SimpleAnimationPlayer with only three buttons: RESET, PLAY, and STOP.
public class BugglesInAndOut extends SimpleAnimationPlayer {
public BugglesInAndOut () {
addAnimation("BugglesInAndOut", new BuggleAnimation6());
Extension of AnimationShowcase with all the animations above.
Animations are set to play when selected.
import java.awt.*; // use colors
public class BuggleShowcase extends AnimationShowcase {
public BuggleShowcase () {
addAnimation("RightBuggle", new BuggleAnimation1());
addAnimation("RightLeftBuggle", new BuggleAnimation2());
addAnimation("SpyBuggle", new BuggleAnimation3());
addAnimation("SpyArmy", new BuggleAnimation4());
addAnimation("SpyArmyII", new BuggleAnimation5());
addAnimation("SpyArmyIII", new BuggleAnimation5(,,,Color.cyan,Color.magenta));
addAnimation("Buggles In and Out", new BuggleAnimation6());
Animation Players
HTML pages