![]() Graphic by Keith Ohlfs |
November 22, 1997
The due date of Exam 2 is now fixed at 6pm Sunday, November 23.
Graded Problem Sets 4 through 6 are now available outside Lyn's Office (SCI E106). Please pick them up at your earliest convenience.
Check the CS111 bulletin board often for late-breaking news about the exam.
November 21, 1997
The due date of Exam 2 has been extended to noon on Sunday, November 23.
Graded Problem Sets 5 and 6 are now available outside Lyn's Office (SCI E106). Please pick them up at your earliest convenience.
November 18 1997
The solutions to labs 6-10 are available in the CS111 download folder in the folder named "lab_solutions". Only the .java source file and the .html files are there so you can look at the code. If you want to run them, you must add these files to a BuggleWorld project (for labs 6-8) a Turtle project (for lab9) or a KineticSculpture project (for lab10).
November 13 1997
Exam 2 is now available. It will be due at 6pm on Saturday, November 22.
November 12 1997
There was a review session tonight, which about 30 students attended. We talked about some of the problems in the Exam 2 Review handout. I will be happy to answer questions about these review problems throughout the examination period. In particular, I am planning another review session from 6pm-8pm on Tuesday, November 18. Watch for details.
November 8, 1997
Thus far, we have given scant coverage to iteration in lecture. You will get more practice with it in Lab#9. But you should also read about it in the following resources:
The newly acquired book, On To Java (see previous announcement), also has a brief but worthwhile chapter on Recursion:
November 8, 1997
The following books have just been added to the E101 library:
On to Java, by Patrick Henry Winston and Sundar Narasimhan. Addison-Wesley, Februrary, 1997. (3 copies)
Teach Yourself Java In Cafe' in 21 Days, by Dan Joshi, Laura Lemay, and Charles L. Perkins. Sams.net Publishing, 1996.
The Java Programming Language, by Ken Arnold and James Gosling. Addison-Wesley, 1996.
The On To Java book is of particular interest and is well worth your perusal -- that's why we've purchased three copies of it. It is arranged in short chapters focused on particular concepts or tasks. Some sample chapters that are of current interest:
November 7, 1997
Problem Set 6 is now available. It is due by 6pm on Thursday, November 13.
November 5, 1997
Please see the CS111 bulletin board for several recent messages on Problem Set 5 clarifications. It is a good idea to check the CS111 bulletin board for messages once a day!
November 4, 1997
October 31, 1997
Problem Set 5 is now available on the assignments page. It is due by 6pm on Friday, November 7.
October 29, 1997
The syllabus page has been updated to reflect the current status of the course, including topics covered, problem set due dates, etc. From now on will endeavor to update the syllabus page at least once a weak to keep it current.
October 29, 1997
A lot of students have asked us for stylistic guidelines for writing code in Problem Set 4. Here are some thoughts about this issue.
public boolean isWallToRight() { right(); if (isFacingWall()) { left(); return true; } else { left(); return false; } }
Now consider some code that uses isWallToRight to walk through a "door" to the right of the buggle:
if (isWallToRight()) { // Do nothing } else { right(); forward(); }
The introduction of the isWallToRight abstraction introduces some inefficiencies. In particular, the buggle turns right, left, then right again when it only needs to turn right once, as in the following code:
right(); if (isFacingWall) { left(); } else { forward(); }
However, if you always worry about minimizing such inefficiencies, you tend to end up with code that is very hard to read. In this simple case, there is not much loss of readability, but even the use of the name isWallToRight highlights something that is not emphasized in the second version of the code. As noted above, when there is a tradeoff to make, it is preferable to make the code clear than efficient -- at least in this course.
October 27, 1997
Problem Set 4 is now available on the assignments page. It is due by 11:59pm on Sunday, November 2.
October 23, 1997
Prelab 7 is now available on the assignments page. It is due before lab on Monday or Tuesday (October 27 or 28).
October 16, 1997
Prelab 6 is now available on the assignments page. It is due before lab on Monday or Tuesday (October 20 or 21).
October 15, 1997
Exam 1 has been graded and will be handed out at the end of class tomorrow. The average was 85 points out of 100. There is a histogram of the scores below. All students scoring 70 or below should make an appointment to see Lyn to talk about the exam. Anyone else who has questions about the grading of the exam should also see Lyn.
Histogram of CS111 Exam 1:
Number of students = 58
Average = 85
96-100:XXXXXXXXXXX 91-95:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 86-90:XXXXXXXXXX 81-85:XXX 76-80:XXXXX 71-75:XXXXX 66-70:XXXX 61-65:XX 56-60: 51-55: 46-50:X 41-45: 36-40: 31-35: 26-30: 21-25:X 16-20: 11-15: 6-10: 1-5:
October 9, 1997
Check out the solutions to Exam 1!
October 7, 1997
October 6, 1997
October 3, 1997
Notes on the Java execution model are now available. You will find these helpful for PreLab #5, which is due in Lab next week.
October 1, 1997
Problem Set #3 is now available. It is due at 6pm on Tuesday, October 7. Note that this is later than the due date originally mentioned in lecture.
September 26, 1997
The default access mode for CS111 student home pages has just been modified to allow remote password access. All CS111 student pages are still accessible from all Wellesley computers as before. But now, it is also possible to access them from outside Wellesley if you use a special name/password combination. If you try to access a password-protected page from a remote computer, Netscape will prompt you for a access name and password. You should use "cs111" (without the quotes) as your access name; do not use your username as the access name! For the password, you should use the password that has been posted on the CS111 bulletin board on Lucy. (We can't post it here because this page is world readable!)
We hope that this change will make it easier for students to view and update their web pages from off-campus. Feel free to pass the cs111 password along to your family and friends, but do not post it in a public place!
The access mode fore students who requested world-readable home
pages has not been changed; your web pages are still world-readable.
If you would like to change them to have the password access instead,
send mail to fturbak@wellesley.edu.
September 25, 1997
If you can make these modifications by tweaking just a few numbers in your program, then it is written in a robust fashion. But it making such changes requires you to carefullly examine every single number in your entire program, then you should think about adding some names and calculations.
We have programs that manipulate your assignment materials based on the names we have specified on the assignments. If you don't use the right names and/or drop folders, we have to hunt around for your materials. Please help us out in this regard. Thanks!
September 21 , 1997
The Font contract is now available. Both the Font contract and Color contract now have applets in them that will aid you in understanding fonts and colors.
September 20 , 1997
September 19, 1997
in the original problem description have been changed to
(i.e., the hyphen has been replaced by an underscore). It turns out that Java class names may not contain hyphens, but may contain underscores.
September 26, 1997
The default access mode for CS111 student home pages has just been modified to allow remote password access. All CS111 student pages are still accessible from all Wellesley computers as before. But now, it is also possible to access them from outside Wellesley if you use a special name/password combination. If you try to access a password-protected page from a remote computer, Netscape will prompt you for a access name and password. You should use "cs111" (without the quotes) as your access name; do not use your username as the access name! For the password, you should use the password that has been posted on the CS111 bulletin board on Lucy. (We can't post it here because this page is world readable!)
We hope that this change will make it easier for students to view and update their web pages from off-campus. Feel free to pass the cs111 password along to your family and friends, but do not post it in a public place!
The access mode fore students who requested world-readable home pages has not been changed; your web pages are still world-readable. If you would like to change them to have the password access instead, send mail to fturbak@wellesley.edu.
September 25, 1997
If you can make these modifications by tweaking just a few numbers in your program, then it is written in a robust fashion. But it making such changes requires you to carefullly examine every single number in your entire program, then you should think about adding some names and calculations.
We have programs that manipulate your assignment materials based on the names we have specified on the assignments. If you don't use the right names and/or drop folders, we have to hunt around for your materials. Please help us out in this regard. Thanks!
September 21 , 1997
The Font contract is now available. Both the Font contract and Color contract now have applets in them that will aid you in understanding fonts and colors.
September 20 , 1997
September 19, 1997
in the original problem description have been changed to
(i.e., the hyphen has been replaced by an underscore). It turns out that Java class names may not contain hyphens, but may contain underscores.
Here are some other sources of images for your web page:
Wellesley has a photofile of all students, faculty, and staff. Grab your photo from there!
Microsoft has a repository of images that you're free to put in your web pages. (Ignore the note about images only being downloadable to Windows95 systems.)
Remember, you can grab the images in Netscape by holding the mouse button down over the image, and then selecting Save Image in the resulting menu.
Pictures of CS111 students are now available for download via Fetch from Nike in the directory ~cs111/download/images. These pictures have also been collected into a student photo file. Browsing this file is a great way to learn the names of your classmates.
In order to protect the privacy of CS111 students, we have modified the CS111 class list and all students' public_html folders so that, by default, they can be read only by web browsers that are running on computers on the Wellesley campus. (All other CS111 materials can be read from any web browser in the world.) If you (1) live off-campus and need to have wider visibility for your page or (2) you are not concerned about the privacy of your pages and want to advertise them to the world, please send email to fturbak.
Note Stanzi's new office hours.
So you want to take CS111 this semester? Then click here.