1. Depiction of a File Tree

The folder where your notebook resides can be displayed as a file tree that looks like the image below. It's a partial view of the folder, missing the subfolders books and books2.

Note: this semester, the top folder is actually named lec23_fileTrees rather than lec_fileTrees, and the notebook file is named lec23_fileTrees.ipynb rather than lec_fileTrees.ipynb. These changes will affect some of the examples and results below.

A file tree is defined as:

  • a file (a leaf of the tree). In the above tree, files are represented by the document icon.

  • a directory (a.k.a. folder, an intermediate node of the tree) containing zero or more file trees. In the above tree, directories are represented by the folder icon.

The top node of the tree (in this case, the folder named lec_fileTrees) is called the root of the tree.

Tree-shaped structures consisting of nodes that branch out to subtrees that terminate in leaves are common in computer science. We focus on file trees in this lecture because everyone is familiar with them and it is important to understand their structure when working with data and your own computers.

We can also use a text-based representation to display file trees as well. Here is one such example below:

|-- .data
|-- books
|   |-- jane_austen
|   |   |-- Pride_and_Prejudice.txt
|   |   |-- Mansfield_Park.txt
|   |-- charlotte_perkins_gilman
|   |   |-- The_Yellow_Wallpaper.txt
|   |   |-- Women_and_Economics.txt
|   |-- oscar_wilde
|   |   |-- The_Importance_of_Being_Earnest.txt
|   |   |-- The_Picture_of_Dorian_Gray.txt
|-- books2
|   |-- zora_neale_hurston
|   |   |-- Three_Plays.txt
|   |   |-- Poker!.txt
|   |-- charlotte_bronte
|   |   |-- Jane_Eyre.txt
|   |   |-- The_Professor.txt
|   |-- lewis_carroll
|   |   |-- Alice_in_Wonderland.txt
|   |   |-- Symbolic_Logic.txt
|   |   |-- Through_the_Looking-Glass.txt
|-- lec_fileTrees.ipynb
|-- pics
|   |-- fileListingWithHiddenFiles.png
|   |-- fileTreeRootedAtTestdir.png
|   |-- fileTree.png
|   |-- fileListingWithoutHiddenFiles.png
|-- testdir
|   |-- remember
|   |   |-- persistent.py
|   |   |-- memories.txt
|   |   |-- ephemeral.py
|   |-- hyp.py
|   |-- pubs.json
|   |-- pset
|   |   |-- scene
|   |   |   |-- cs1graphics.py
|   |   |-- shrub
|   |   |   |-- images
|   |   |   |   |-- shrub2.png
|   |   |   |   |-- shrub1.png
|   |   |   |-- shrub.py
|   |-- .numbers
|   |-- tracks.csv

2. Operating System (OS) Commands in the Notebook

In the lecture slides we introduced several OS commands that are used in the Terminal. It turns out that we can directly use certain OS commands within the Jupyter notebook as well, to figure out information about files and folders.

  • pwd : print working directory
  • cd dirName : change the working directory to dirName
    • cd .. : change the working directory to the parent of the current working directory. (In general, .. means "parent of the current directory" and . means "the current directory".)
  • ls : list the contents of working directory
    • ls dirName : list the contents of directory dirName
    • the -a flag to ls stands for all and includes hidden files (begin with a dot)
    • the -l flag to ls puts each file on a line with extra information (size, timestamp, etc)
    • the -a and -l flags can be combined as -al

Let's try them below to see the results.

In [1]:
In [2]:
books/                        lec23_fileTrees_solns.ipynb
books2/                       lec23_fileTrees_solns.ipynb~
launchNotebook.py             pics/
lec23_fileTrees_solns.html    testdir/

Let's change the current directory, moving to the folder testdir:

In [3]:
cd testdir

The Jupyter command returns the absolute path for the new folder, but in the Terminal this is not the case. We need to use pwd:

In [4]:
In [5]:
hyp.py      pset/       pubs.json   remember/   tracks.csv
In [6]:
ls -a
./          .numbers    pset/       remember/
../         hyp.py      pubs.json   tracks.csv
In [7]:
ls -al
total 272
drwxr-xr-x@  8 fturbak  staff     256 Sep  3 11:56 ./
drwxr-xr-x@ 12 fturbak  staff     384 Dec  4 18:48 ../
-rw-r--r--@  1 fturbak  staff      21 Sep  3 11:56 .numbers
-rw-r--r--@  1 fturbak  staff      94 Sep  3 11:56 hyp.py
drwxr-xr-x@  4 fturbak  staff     128 Sep  3 11:56 pset/
-rw-r--r--@  1 fturbak  staff  107062 Sep  3 11:56 pubs.json
drwxr-xr-x@  5 fturbak  staff     160 Sep  3 11:56 remember/
-rw-r--r--@  1 fturbak  staff   18778 Sep  3 11:56 tracks.csv
In [8]:
cd ..

IMPORTANT: All these command lines can be used in the Terminal application in a Mac computer to navigate folders in the computer. Alternatively, they are performed via point-and-click operations in the Finder application. Windows uses similar (but slightly different) commands from the Command Prompt.

3. Python os commands

Via the os module, Python provides a way to manipulate the directories and files in a file system. To use these features, we first need to import the os module:

In [9]:
import os

(a) Get working directory: os.getcwd

The os.getcwd function returns the current working directory as a string.

In [10]:

(b) List directory: os.listdir

The os.listdir function returns a list of all files/directories in the argument directory.

In [11]:

So-called "dot files" whose names begin with the '.' character are special system files that are often hidden by the operating system when displaying files. We will tend to ignore them. Note that "dot files" do not include . (the current directory) or .. (the parent directory).

Depending on the settings for your computer's file browser (e.g., Finder on a Mac), you might or might not see dot files explicitly listed in the file browser. For example, here's a version of a Mac Finder window where hidden files are shown:

And here's a version of a Mac Finder window where dot files are not shown. Note that by default newer versions of Finder will not show .DS_store files:

Note that the file/folder names in the list returned by os.listdir are not guaranteed to be in alphabetical order. If alpabetical order matter to you, you should wrap sorted around a call to os.listdir.

In [12]:

Let's see more examples of os.listdir, which can be used with relative paths of our own making:

In [13]:
['tracks.csv', '.numbers', 'pset', 'pubs.json', 'hyp.py', 'remember']
In [14]:
['ephemeral.py', 'memories.txt', 'persistent.py']
In [15]:
['shrub', 'scene']
In [16]:
In [17]:
['shrub.py', 'images']

To note: We create relative paths as strings in which folder names are concatenated with the slash character.

YOUR TURN: Below, write a command that lists the content for the subfolder "images".
The expected result is ['shrub1.png', 'shrub2.png'].

In [18]:
# Your code here
['shrub1.png', 'shrub2.png']

What happens if the os.listdir is given the name of a nondirectory file or a nonexistent file?

In [19]:
NotADirectoryError                        Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[19], line 1
----> 1 os.listdir('testdir/hyp.py')

NotADirectoryError: [Errno 20] Not a directory: 'testdir/hyp.py'
In [20]:
os.listdir('remember') # Not a subdirectory of the connected directory
FileNotFoundError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[20], line 1
----> 1 os.listdir('remember') # Not a subdirectory of the connected directory

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'remember'

(c) Does this path exist?

The os.path.exists function determines whether the given name denotes a file/directory in the filesystem.

In [21]:
In [22]:
In [23]:
In [24]:

Note that the search for a file/directory begins in the working directory, which in the above examples is the lec_fileTrees directory. This is why os.path.exists('testdir/remember') is True but os.path.exists('remember') is False.

YOUR TURN: How would you check that the file cs1graphics.py is in the sample file tree?

In [25]:
# Your code here

(d) Determine file or directory status

The os.path.isfile and os.path.isdir functions determine whether the given name is a file or directory, respectively. They both return false for a nonexistent file/directory name.

In [26]:
In [27]:
In [28]:
In [29]:
In [30]:
In [31]:

YOUR TURN: Verify that shrub1.png is a file, using the correct path.

In [32]:
# Your code here

YOUR TURN: Verify that scene is a directory, using the correct path.

In [33]:
# Your code here

(e) Creating a path with os.path.join

We can use os.path.join to join to strings that contain parts of the path. We often need to do this together with os.listdir, which only shows the names of the contained files and directories without their relative paths.

In [34]:
root = 'testdir'
for name in os.listdir(root):

But, joining the root folder with the file name gives the entire relative path for a file/folder:

In [35]:
root = 'testdir'
for name in os.listdir(root):
    print(os.path.join(root, name))

We could instead use string concatenation via + to combine path elements, but os.path.join is more convenient for handling the slashes that separate path components.

In [36]:
os.path.join('testdir/', 'remember/', 'memories.txt')
In [37]:
os.path.join('testdir', 'remember', 'memories.txt')
In [38]:
'testdir' + '/' + 'remember' + '/' + 'memories.txt'

YOUR TURN: Modify the above for loop to print out the relative paths of only the directories in testdir. You'll need to use one of the functions we learned in this section, in addition to os.path.join:

In [39]:
# Your code here
root = 'testdir'
for name in os.listdir(root):
    pathName = os.path.join(root, name)
    if os.path.isdir(pathName):

(f) Getting the last component of path with os.path.basename

os.path.basename returns the last component in a file path.

In [40]:
In [41]:
In [42]:

(g) Getting the size of files and folder with os.path.getsize

A file has a size measured in bytes. For a folder, the size only refers to some bookkeeping information; it does not refer to the total size of the files in the folder!

In [43]:
In [44]:
In [45]:
In [46]:

Note that 160 is less than (379 + 80 + 1634); it is unrelated to the sizes of the files in the remember directory!

In [47]:
In [48]:

4. Exercise 1: Relative Paths

Write a for loop that will print (1) the relative path name of each element in the testdir folder along with (2) its size. The solution should look like below. (Note that your file order may be different, and you might get different size numbers for folders, but you should get the same size numbers for regular files.)

testdir/.numbers 21
testdir/hyp.py 94
testdir/pset 128
testdir/pubs.json 107062
testdir/remember 160
testdir/tracks.csv 18778

Note: this is trickier than it might first appear. Mastering this pattern is essential for writing functions that manipulate file trees (see the next section).

In [49]:
# Your code here
folder = 'testdir'
for name in os.listdir(folder):
    wholeName = os.path.join(folder, name)
    print(wholeName, os.path.getsize(wholeName))
testdir/tracks.csv 18778
testdir/.numbers 21
testdir/pset 128
testdir/pubs.json 107062
testdir/hyp.py 94
testdir/remember 160

5. Exercise 2: printSubFolders

Write a function that given some path to a folder, prints all subfolders contained in that folder.

In [50]:
def printSubFolders(folderPath):
    Given a path to a folder, print the names of all subfolders
    contained in the folder.
    # Your code here
    for f in os.listdir(folderPath):
        if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(folderPath, f)):
In [51]:
printSubFolders("testdir")          # should print pset and remember
In [52]:
printSubFolders("testdir/remember") # should print nothing
In [53]:
printSubFolders("testdir/pset")     # should print shrub and scene

6. Reading from File Trees

Understanding file trees is essential when working with large data because data tends to be split across many files and folders. Below is a file tree of some data we will work with in the coming examples. The folder books contains folders of authors. Each author folder contains complete books found from Project Gutenberg. We will use the next series of examples to analyze some properties of all the books. To do so we will need to read multiple files spread across a file tree. Below is a file tree of the books folder.

|-- jane_austen
|   |-- Pride_and_Prejudice.txt
|   |-- Mansfield_Park.txt
|-- charlotte_perkins_gilman
|   |-- The_Yellow_Wallpaper.txt
|   |-- Women_and_Economics.txt
|-- oscar_wilde
|   |-- The_Importance_of_Being_Earnest.txt
|   |-- The_Picture_of_Dorian_Gray.txt

There is also another folder containing books called books2. It follows the same structure in that subfolders of books2 are authors that contain books.

6.1 Understanding books

The books folder contains three subfolders as shown below using os.listdir. Those subfolders are author names.

In [54]:
['oscar_wilde', 'charlotte_perkins_gilman', 'jane_austen']

Each author folder contains files for each book of that author.

In [55]:
['Mansfield_Park.txt', 'Pride_and_Prejudice.txt']

Let's revisit how to read from a file. To read a file, we use a with block. Remember the with block will automatically close the file when we are done. Below is a function that takes a filepath and opens the file at that file path. We can use open with any valid file path as long as the file path is a file. If not, we will raise an error.

Note: We want to remove the newline character from string returned by .readline(). The method .strip() will not work here because it will remove all whitespace before and after each line. This would remove things such as tabbing. Since the last character of each line will always be a newline character, we can simply slice up to the last character to remove it.

In [56]:
def printBookLines(bookPath, numLines):
    Given the path of a text file and a number of lines,
    print that many lines from the file.
    with open(bookPath, "r") as book:
        for _ in range(numLines):
In [57]:
printBookLines("books/jane_austen/Pride_and_Prejudice.txt", 10)
The Project Gutenberg eBook of Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen

This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and
most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions
whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms
of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at
www.gutenberg.org. If you are not located in the United States, you
will have to check the laws of the country where you are located before
using this eBook.

In [58]:
printBookLines("books", 10) # error because `books` is a folder and not a file
IsADirectoryError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[58], line 1
----> 1 printBookLines("books", 10) # error because `books` is a folder and not a file

Cell In[56], line 6, in printBookLines(bookPath, numLines)
      1 def printBookLines(bookPath, numLines):
      2     """
      3     Given the path of a text file and a number of lines,
      4     print that many lines from the file.
      5     """
----> 6     with open(bookPath, "r") as book:
      7         for _ in range(numLines):
      8             print(book.readline()[:-1])

File ~/Library/Python/3.10/lib/python/site-packages/IPython/core/interactiveshell.py:282, in _modified_open(file, *args, **kwargs)
    275 if file in {0, 1, 2}:
    276     raise ValueError(
    277         f"IPython won't let you open fd={file} by default "
    278         "as it is likely to crash IPython. If you know what you are doing, "
    279         "you can use builtins' open."
    280     )
--> 282 return io_open(file, *args, **kwargs)

IsADirectoryError: [Errno 21] Is a directory: 'books'

6.2 Getting the file paths of subfiles and folders

Below is a function that returns a list of all the paths to each book. This will be a critical helper function in the next series of exercises. How does it work? It requires a nested loop with the outer loop cycling through all the author folders and the inner loop going through each book of the author folders. Notice that we filter out all files and hidden files/folders. This removes the pesky .DS_store for example that is common in MacOS file systems.

In [59]:
def getBookPaths(rootFolder):
    Given a path, return a list of all paths to files in the subfolders.
    This is an accumulation problem.
    paths = []
    for author in sorted(os.listdir(rootFolder)):
        authorFolderPath = os.path.join(rootFolder, author)
        # filter out hidden files and non-directories like .DS_Store
        if os.path.isdir(authorFolderPath) and author[0] != ".": 
            for book in sorted(os.listdir(authorFolderPath)):
                if not book.startswith('.'):     # filter out hidden files
                    bookPath = os.path.join(authorFolderPath, book)
    return paths
In [60]:
In [61]:

6.3 largestBookSize

Using the function we wrote above, we can write a function called largestBookSize that returns the largest book in bytes from the books folder. Here we can go through all the paths and use os.path.getsize to get the size of each book.

In [62]:
def largestBookSize(rootFolder):
    Traverse all subfolders, find book with the largest size.
    largestBook = ("", 0) # a tuple to store a file title and its size
    paths = getBookPaths(rootFolder)
    for bookPath in paths:
        bookSize = os.path.getsize(bookPath)
        book = os.path.basename(bookPath) # the last part of the path is the book file name
        if bookSize > largestBook[1]:
            largestBook = book, bookSize
    return largestBook
In [63]:
('Mansfield_Park.txt', 928708)
In [64]:
('Jane_Eyre.txt', 1084733)

7. Exercise 3: totalLines

Below write a function that gets the total number of lines of all the books from a folder structured like the books folder (i.e., it should work for both books and books2). Your function should return a list of tuples where each tuple should contain the file name of the book and the number of lines. Below is the sample output of the function when called with books. Your function should take one argument: the root folder of a book directory. Resist the urge to use the len function would require you to read in all the lines of the book at once. This requires a lot of memory. Instead loop over each line of the book and increment a counter to get the total number of lines.

[('The_Picture_of_Dorian_Gray.txt', 8908),
 ('The_Importance_of_Being_Earnest.txt', 4269),
 ('Women_and_Economics.txt', 10132),
 ('The_Yellow_Wallpaper.txt', 1225),
 ('Mansfield_Park.txt', 16054),
 ('Pride_and_Prejudice.txt', 14580)]

Note: You should use getBookPaths to get the list of file paths for all books.

In [65]:
def totalLines(rootFolder):
    Given the path to a folder such as 'books' or 'books2',
    keep track of the total number of lines in all encountered files.
    This is an accumulator function.
    # Your code here
    bookLines = []
    paths = getBookPaths(rootFolder)
    for bookPath in paths:
        bookName = os.path.basename(bookPath)
        with open(bookPath) as book:
            lineCount = 0
            for line in book:
                lineCount +=1
            bookLines.append((bookName, lineCount))
    return bookLines
In [66]:
[('The_Yellow_Wallpaper.txt', 1225),
 ('Women_and_Economics.txt', 10132),
 ('Mansfield_Park.txt', 16054),
 ('Pride_and_Prejudice.txt', 14580),
 ('The_Importance_of_Being_Earnest.txt', 4269),
 ('The_Picture_of_Dorian_Gray.txt', 8908)]
In [67]:
[('Jane_Eyre.txt', 21386),
 ('The_Professor.txt', 9797),
 ('Alice_in_Wonderland.txt', 3761),
 ('Symbolic_Logic.txt', 14214),
 ('Through_the_Looking-Glass.txt', 4448),
 ('Poker!.txt', 604),
 ('Three_Plays.txt', 1433)]

8. Exercise 4: totalSentences

Write a function called totalSentences that takes a path to a book folder like books and returns a list of tuples where each tuple contains the name of the book and the number of sentences in the book. How do we determine the number of sentences in a book? One simple, though potentially inaccurate way, is to simply count the number of periods in the book. This may not be the most accurate because the period could be used in formatting at the beginning and end of the book. Other books can use punctuation (or the lack thereof) in interesting ways like Faulkner's "The Sound and the Fury".

We will take the simple approach and simply count the number of periods. You can use the string method .count which counts the number of instances of a substring in some other string. For example, "AbraAbra".count("Abra") evaluates to 2.

Here is the output of totalSentences("books"):

[('The_Picture_of_Dorian_Gray.txt', 6049),
 ('The_Importance_of_Being_Earnest.txt', 3119),
 ('Women_and_Economics.txt', 4390),
 ('The_Yellow_Wallpaper.txt', 516),
 ('Mansfield_Park.txt', 7118),
 ('Pride_and_Prejudice.txt', 6402)]
In [68]:
def totalSentences(rootFolder):
    Similar to the function totalLines, but instead of lines,
    it counts sentences.
    # Your code here
    bookSentCount = []
    paths = getBookPaths(rootFolder)
    for bookPath in paths:
        bookName = os.path.basename(bookPath)
        with open(bookPath) as book:
            count = 0
            for line in book:
                count += line.count(".")
            bookSentCount.append((bookName, count))
    return bookSentCount
In [69]:
[('The_Yellow_Wallpaper.txt', 516),
 ('Women_and_Economics.txt', 4390),
 ('Mansfield_Park.txt', 7118),
 ('Pride_and_Prejudice.txt', 6402),
 ('The_Importance_of_Being_Earnest.txt', 3119),
 ('The_Picture_of_Dorian_Gray.txt', 6049)]
In [70]:
[('Jane_Eyre.txt', 8627),
 ('The_Professor.txt', 3219),
 ('Alice_in_Wonderland.txt', 1222),
 ('Symbolic_Logic.txt', 6538),
 ('Through_the_Looking-Glass.txt', 1692),
 ('Poker!.txt', 270),
 ('Three_Plays.txt', 581)]

9. Exercise 5: wordOccurrences

Write a function called wordOccurrences that counts the number of times a word appears in each book. wordOccurrences should take a path to folder structured like books and a word to look for. Counting the number of occurrences of a word is not an easy task. There are many factors to consider:

  • Should case matter? Maybe not for most words but probably for proper nouns.
  • Should plurality matter for nouns? Is "water" the same as "waters"?
  • How do we define the surrounding criteria for a word? For example, if we are searching for occurrences of "he", we need to be careful to not count words like "the". An easy heuristic is to mandate that a word have a space on either side. This would ensure we do not count words like "the" for "he". However, what if the word is the last word of a sentence? Then it would have punctuation and not spaces but should count as a word.

To make our lives simpler, we will define the occurrence of a word as having a space on either side and ignore case. Of course, this will not be a perfect word counter. As a challenge see if you can define better criteria and implement it in code for a more robust word counter.

Below is the sample output from wordOccurrences("books", "she"):

[('The_Picture_of_Dorian_Gray.txt', 312),
 ('The_Importance_of_Being_Earnest.txt', 40),
 ('Women_and_Economics.txt', 239),
 ('The_Yellow_Wallpaper.txt', 21),
 ('Mansfield_Park.txt', 1671),
 ('Pride_and_Prejudice.txt', 1368)]
In [71]:
def wordOccurrences(rootFolder, word):
    # Your code here
    wordCount = []
    testWord = " " + word.lower() + " " # word has to have spaces around it; also ignore case
    paths = getBookPaths(rootFolder)
    for bookPath in paths:
        bookName = os.path.basename(bookPath)
        with open(bookPath) as book:
            count = 0
            for line in book:
                if testWord in line.lower():
                    count += 1
            wordCount.append((bookName, count))
    return wordCount
In [72]:
wordOccurrences("books", "she")
[('The_Yellow_Wallpaper.txt', 21),
 ('Women_and_Economics.txt', 239),
 ('Mansfield_Park.txt', 1671),
 ('Pride_and_Prejudice.txt', 1368),
 ('The_Importance_of_Being_Earnest.txt', 40),
 ('The_Picture_of_Dorian_Gray.txt', 312)]
In [73]:
wordOccurrences("books", "he")
[('The_Yellow_Wallpaper.txt', 42),
 ('Women_and_Economics.txt', 195),
 ('Mansfield_Park.txt', 1171),
 ('Pride_and_Prejudice.txt', 1073),
 ('The_Importance_of_Being_Earnest.txt', 75),
 ('The_Picture_of_Dorian_Gray.txt', 1140)]
In [74]:
wordOccurrences("books", "water")
[('The_Yellow_Wallpaper.txt', 0),
 ('Women_and_Economics.txt', 3),
 ('Mansfield_Park.txt', 4),
 ('Pride_and_Prejudice.txt', 0),
 ('The_Importance_of_Being_Earnest.txt', 2),
 ('The_Picture_of_Dorian_Gray.txt', 2)]

10. Super Challenge: Create a File Tree

Write a function called fileTree that prints out a text-based version of a file tree. For example, here is the output of the file tree on the books folder.

|-- jane_austen
|   |-- Pride_and_Prejudice.txt
|   |-- Mansfield_Park.txt
|-- charlotte_perkins_gilman
|   |-- The_Yellow_Wallpaper.txt
|   |-- Women_and_Economics.txt
|-- oscar_wilde
|   |-- The_Importance_of_Being_Earnest.txt
|   |-- The_Picture_of_Dorian_Gray.txt

This is a real challenge and unlike any programming paradigm you have seen so far though it does not require any new tools or syntax. We would not expect to give you any question like this on an exam or even problem set without a lot of structure/scaffolding. But challenges are good!

The trick is to use a list that keeps track of all the file paths and grows as new folders are discovered. The list should contain tuples of file paths and "levels". Notice how the file tree becomes indented as it is nested. You will need some way to keep track of that information.

In [75]:
def fileTree(rootFolder):
    A function that given the path of a root folder, prints out the
    it's content as a 'file tree'. Nothing is returned, the function
    only prints lines with information.
    # Your code here
    paths = [(rootFolder, 0)]
    levelStr = "|   "
    fileStr = "|-- "
    while len(paths) > 0:
        path, level = paths.pop()
        name = os.path.basename(path)
        if level == 0:
            print((level - 1) * levelStr + fileStr + name)
        if os.path.isdir(path):
            for sub in sorted(os.listdir(path),
                              # Use reverse=True so that when last tuple is popped via paths.pop()
                              # the tuples are popped in alphabetical order by path name 
                paths.append((os.path.join(path, sub), level + 1))
In [76]:
|-- charlotte_perkins_gilman
|   |-- The_Yellow_Wallpaper.txt
|   |-- Women_and_Economics.txt
|-- jane_austen
|   |-- Mansfield_Park.txt
|   |-- Pride_and_Prejudice.txt
|-- oscar_wilde
|   |-- The_Importance_of_Being_Earnest.txt
|   |-- The_Picture_of_Dorian_Gray.txt
In [77]:
|-- charlotte_bronte
|   |-- Jane_Eyre.txt
|   |-- The_Professor.txt
|-- lewis_carroll
|   |-- Alice_in_Wonderland.txt
|   |-- Symbolic_Logic.txt
|   |-- Through_the_Looking-Glass.txt
|-- zora_neale_hurston
|   |-- Poker!.txt
|   |-- Three_Plays.txt
In [78]:
|-- .data
|-- .ipynb_checkpoints
|   |-- lec23_fileTrees_solns-checkpoint.ipynb
|-- books
|   |-- charlotte_perkins_gilman
|   |   |-- The_Yellow_Wallpaper.txt
|   |   |-- Women_and_Economics.txt
|   |-- jane_austen
|   |   |-- Mansfield_Park.txt
|   |   |-- Pride_and_Prejudice.txt
|   |-- oscar_wilde
|   |   |-- The_Importance_of_Being_Earnest.txt
|   |   |-- The_Picture_of_Dorian_Gray.txt
|-- books2
|   |-- charlotte_bronte
|   |   |-- Jane_Eyre.txt
|   |   |-- The_Professor.txt
|   |-- lewis_carroll
|   |   |-- Alice_in_Wonderland.txt
|   |   |-- Symbolic_Logic.txt
|   |   |-- Through_the_Looking-Glass.txt
|   |-- zora_neale_hurston
|   |   |-- Poker!.txt
|   |   |-- Three_Plays.txt
|-- launchNotebook.py
|-- lec23_fileTrees_solns.html
|-- lec23_fileTrees_solns.ipynb
|-- lec23_fileTrees_solns.ipynb~
|-- pics
|   |-- fileListingWithHiddenFiles.png
|   |-- fileListingWithoutHiddenFiles.png
|   |-- fileTree.png
|   |-- fileTreeRootedAtTestdir.png
|-- testdir
|   |-- .numbers
|   |-- hyp.py
|   |-- pset
|   |   |-- scene
|   |   |   |-- cs1graphics.py
|   |   |-- shrub
|   |   |   |-- images
|   |   |   |   |-- shrub1.png
|   |   |   |   |-- shrub2.png
|   |   |   |-- shrub.py
|   |-- pubs.json
|   |-- remember
|   |   |-- ephemeral.py
|   |   |-- memories.txt
|   |   |-- persistent.py
|   |-- tracks.csv

That's all for today's notebook!