""" Authors: Peter Mawhorter Consulted: Date: 2021-1-28 Purpose: Lab02 Musical Motifs testing Tests for wavesynth motif functions. """ # Access to audio functions import wavesynth # Import of the functions we'll be testing import motifs # 1-second duration, moving one note down and then one note back up # motifs.motif(1, -1, 1) # Another motif, this time moving up and then down # motifs.motif(1, 3, -1) # TODO: Enable this when you finish climbingNotes # motifs.climbingNotes(3) # TODO: Enable this if you write customNotes motifs.customNotes() # TODO: Enable this if you write randomBeatsNotes # motifs.randomBeatsNotes(3) wavesynth.playTrack() wavesynth.saveTrack("motifs.wav") wavesynth.printTrack()