@extends('template') @section('title') Plotting Examples from Lab @stop @section('content') # Plotting examples ```py # CS111 Fall 2017 # Some example charts for reference # More details: http://matplotlib.org/api/pyplot_summary.html import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def verticalBarChartExample(): # Example data counts = [5, 20, 12] candy = ["skittles", "twizzlers", "m&ms"] position = range(len(counts)) # [0, 1, 2] # make this the first figure plt.figure(1) # Graph # x y plt.bar(position, counts, width=0.5, color='green', align='center') # Decorate plt.xticks(position, candy) # x-axis labels plt.title('1. verticalBarChartExample: Candy votes') plt.show() def horizontalBarChartExample(): # Example data counts = [5, 20, 12] candy = ["skittles","twizzlers","m&ms"] position = range(len(candy)) # Graph # make this the second figure plt.figure(2) plt.barh(position, counts, 0.5, align='center') # Decorate plt.yticks(position, candy) # y-axis label plt.title("2. horizontalBarChartExample: Candy Preferences") # Show the graph plt.show() def plotExample(): # x axis: Months months = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12] # or: months = range(1,13) # y axis: Average Boston highs highs = [36, 39, 45, 56, 66, 76, 81, 80, 72, 61, 52, 41] # make this the third figure plt.figure(3) # Set the axis plt.axis([min(months),max(months),min(highs),max(highs)]) # Plot a line of points plt.plot(months, highs, 'bo-') # Markers: b=blue,o=circle,-=line # xticks monthNames = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'] plt.xticks(months, monthNames) # location, label # Decorate plt.xlabel('Months') plt.ylabel('Average highs') plt.title('3. plotExample: Average highs in Boston') plt.grid() # Show the graph plt.show() def pieChartExample(): # Data icecream = [30, 50, 10, 6] # Do not have to sum to 100 mycolors = ['pink', 'chocolate', 'ivory','yellow'] mylabels = ['Strawberry', 'Chocolate', 'Vanilla','Banana'] # Graph `figsize` is needed so the pie won't be squished plt.figure(figsize=(5,5), facecolor='white') # new figure window plt.pie(icecream, labels=mylabels, colors=mycolors) # Decorate plt.title("4. pieChartExample: Ice Cream Preferences") # Show the graph plt.show() # Tests if __name__ == '__main__': verticalBarChartExample() horizontalBarChartExample() plotExample() pieChartExample() ``` @include('/labs/lab09/_toc') @stop