@extends('template') @section('title') Fruitful Recursion and Midterm 2 Review @stop @section('content') # Fruitful Recursion and Midterm 2 Review Today we will be discussing fruitful recursion and reviewing for midterm 2. A good jumping off point for review is [the midterm 2 review guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/19h2oDCkR29we0WFgrl0GjikQ5VCCoR1M-nfVXwfnnn0/edit?usp=sharing). If you want to do some fruitful recursion practice problems, you can download this `fruitfulRecursion.py` file and work on it in Thonny. The solutions are also available, but you should only consult them after the lab. Note that recursion is NOT a topic on midterm 2, but it will be on the final so we wanted to give you a chance to look at it in lab. {{--There are handouts that are useful for midterm 2 review, beyond [the general review materials](/review): 1. We have a [learning goals document](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1C8k0xK9S-mO9N6quJU2urBf7-gRiBoqIzj5J69c1S8s/edit), with all of the learning goals after what was covered in midterm 1 listed, along with space to write notes for each topic. We recommend that you go through the list, note down any goals you feel less comfortable with, fill in a few key examples or reminders about those topics, and then bring this sheet with you to the midterm as part of your notes. 2. We have another set of [midterm review problems](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1G-8Pg-wllbIpVQzTvnBnTbxFt2jTBphv16exrcNDPlo/edit?usp=sharing) along with [solutions for those problems](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JJtMbqc4evnmyNNW7eVF0YtoM1jviuMjLVbHzwkSKUY/edit?usp=sharing). We handed out paper copies of these in lab which is a good way to practice for the on-paper midterm; you could also print a copy yourself and/or fill it out electronically. These are intended to supplement [the general review problems](/review) and you should not necessarily complete all of both review sheets, especially if there are topics you already feel confident about.--}} @stop