""" Purpose: Lab11 Recursion Solutions Author: Sohie Filename: recursiveTurtles.py """ from turtleBeads import * from turtle import * # Tests are at the bottom in the run function. #--------# # Task 1 # #--------# # Provided function. def square(length): ''' Draws a square of size length maintains heading and position invariant. ''' for _ in range(4): fd(length) lt(90) #--------# # Task 2 # #--------# def row(number, size): ''' Recursively draw a row of squares (like asteriskLine), maintains a position invariant. ''' if (number > 0): square(size) fd(size) row(number-1,size) # recursive call bk(size) # maintain position invariant #--------# # Task 3 # #--------# def spacedRow(number, size): ''' Recursively draw a row of squares with a constant space in between squares and maintians a posiion invariant. ''' if (number > 0): square(size) # move to position to draw the next one pu() fd(size + size/4) pd() spacedRow(number-1,size)# recursive call # move back to original starting position (maintain position invariant) pu() bk(size+ size/4) pd() #--------# # Task 4 # #--------# def decreasingRow(number, size): ''' Recursively draw a row of squares that get progressively smaller by 1/2 each time and maintains a position invariant ''' if (number > 0): square(size) fd(size) decreasingRow(number-1,size/2.)# recursive call bk(size) # maintain position invariant #--------# # Task 5 # #--------# def nestedSquares(number, size): ''' Recursively draw nested squares that get progressively smaller by 1/2 each time anchored in the lower left corner ''' if (number > 0): square(size) nestedSquares(number-1,size/2.)# recursive call #--------# # Task 6 # #--------# def diagonal(number, size): ''' Recursively draw a diagonal row of squares that get progressively smaller by 1/2 each time where each successive square is anchored on the upper right corner of the previous square. Maintains a position invariant. ''' if (number > 0): square(size) # move to position to draw next one fd(size) lt(90) fd(size) rt(90) diagonal(number-1,size/2.)# recursive call # move back: maintain position invariant -- # this block of 4 lines undo # the block of 4 lines (fd, lt, fd, rt) before the recursive call bk(size) lt(90) bk(size) rt(90) #----------# # Task 6.5 # #----------# def doubleDiagonal(number, size): ''' Recursively draw a diagonal row of squares that get progressively smaller by 1/2 each time where each successive pair of squares is anchored on the upper right corner and the lower left corner of the previous square. Maintains a position invariant. ''' if (number > 0): square(size) # move to position to draw next one from upper right corner fd(size) lt(90) fd(size) rt(90) doubleDiagonal(number-1,size/2.)# recursive call # move back: maintain position invariant -- this block of 4 lines undoes # the block of 4 lines (fd, lt, fd, rt) before the recursive call bk(size) lt(90) bk(size) rt(90) # Second recursive call from bottom left corner doubleDiagonal(number-1, size/2.) # No need to worry about position invariant, bc already back at # starting location, facing Right. #--------# # Task 7 # #--------# def superDiagonal(number, size): ''' Recursively draw a row of squares that get progressively smaller by 1/2 each time where each successive square is anchored on the upper right corner of the previous square and the upper left corner of the previous square. ''' if (number > 0): square(size) # back at lower left starting point # get into position for recursive call fd(size) lt(90) fd(size) rt(90) # recursive call for diagonal stemming from upper right corner # Note the 2. allows for more precision, e.g. if size is odd # then we get a more accurate half size. superDiagonal(number-1,size/2.) # first recursive call # maintain position invariant by undoing the steps before # the recursive call lt(90) bk(size) rt(90) bk(size) # back at lower left corner, facing East # draw the diagonal in the SouthWest direction lt(180) superDiagonal(number-1,size/2.) # second recursive call rt(180) #--------------# # Testing code # #--------------# def run(): """ Sets up the turtle and moves to the lower-left area of the canvas to draw things that will spread out to the right. Uncomment a test to see what it looks like. """ setupTurtle() # move to lower left corner of canvas to draw teleport(-200,-200) pencolor('red') # Tests square(100) #row(5, 100) #spacedRow(5, 100) #decreasingRow(5, 100) #nestedSquares(5, 100) #doubleDiagonal(2, 200) #superDiagonal(5, 100) if __name__ == "__main__": run()