@extends('template') @section('title') Lab 9, Warmup: Paper worksheet @stop @section('content') # Lab 9, Warmup ## Worksheet link [Click for worksheet](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cKwb2ZASxvafWvrA4KOduqDRwBJQUi4FPar61GlEUvA/edit?usp=sharing) ## Task 0: Warm up with dictionaries You are given this dictionary: ```py backpack = { 'money' : 10, 'pencils' : 4, 'umbrella' : True, 'misc': ['lip balm', 'tissues', 'gum'] } ``` **Task A**: Fill in the blank below so that the following output results: ```py >>> ______________________________ ['lip balm', 'tissues', 'gum'] ``` **Task B**: Write a line of python code to add a calculator to the `misc` items in the `backpack`. How to see if the changes occurred? Come up with two different options: __Option 1:__ ```py >>> ``` __Option 2:__ ```py >>> ``` **Task C**: Add a new key:value pair to the `backpack` dictionary that has key `snack` and value of one of your favorite snacks. Check the contents of your dictionary to make sure it is there (see options above). **Task D**: What is printed when the following code executes: ```py for item in backpack: print(item) ``` @include('/labs/lab09/_toc') @stop