@extends('template') @section('title') Lab 10, Part 1: Simple dictionaries @stop @section('content') # Lab 10, Part 1: Simple dictionaries {{-- --}} ## Cheat sheet: lists vs. dictionaries This table shows key operations for lists and dictionaries:
Operation For list L For dictionary D Notes
check # of items len(L) len(D) Dictionaries have exactly one value per key.
add an item L.append(item), or L.insert(index, item) D[key] = value Dictionary requires both a key and a value.
replace an item L[index] = value D[key] = value Same syntax as creating a new key for a dictionary.
remove an item L.pop(index) D.pop(key) Pop without argument works for lists (removes last item) but not dicts.
check presence of an item item in L key in D To check for a value in a dictionary, use value in D.values()
retrieve an item x = L[index] x = D[key], or x = D.get(key) .get will return None if the key is missing instead of causing a KeyError.
index loop
for i in range(len(L)):
for key in D:
Order of a dictionary is based on the order in which keys were added.
value loop
for item in L:
for value in D.values():
There's no good way to retrieve the key based on a dictionary value. If you need the key, use an index loop instead.
Text reads Task 1: Create a name:year cs111 dictionary with green annotated script over the name:year part that reads key:value
Partner A
In your `lab10` folder there is a file called `nameYear.py` that contains a list of 107 fictitious CS111 students and their corresponding graduation year. Here is a snapshot of what the **list** looks like (you can open the file in Thonny). Note that it is a **list** of **lists**. ```py # nameYear.py nameYear = [ ... ['Sarah', '2024'], ['Preedah', '2023'], ... ['Yujue', '2022'], ['Shan', '2024'], ] ``` Your first task is to create a Python **dictionary** from this data where the **`key` is the student names** and the **`value` is the corresponding years**. Make a new file called `simpleDictionaries.py`. At the top of the file, import the provided `nameYear` data: ```py from nameYear import * ``` Then, do the following: 1. Create an empty dictionary called `cs111dict`. 2. For each list (student) in `nameYear`, create a dictionary entry in the `cs111dict` where the `key` is the student's name and the `value` is their year. Check the results of your work by invoking `len(cs111dict)`— there should be **101** entries. A confused bear.Wait a second. Why are there only **101** entries? There are **107** students in our fictitious `nameYear.py` list! What happened? Once your `cs111dict` is built, try out the following statements and describe/discuss the results with your partner: - `list(cs111dict.items())` - `list(cs111dict.keys())` - `list(cs111dict.values())` - `cs111dict['Annabel']` - `cs111dict['BugsBunny']` - `cs111dict['2022']` - `'Annabel' in cs111dict` - `'WonderWoman' in cs111dict` ## Task 2: Create a **year:[names]** CS111 dictionary
Partner B
Now, using the same `nameYear` variable, write a function called `makeYearDict` that returns a dictionary where the **keys** are the year of graduation and the **values** are lists of students who will graduate in that year. Let's say you want to build your dictionary from scratch and we want to add these students: ```py ['Andy', '2025'], ['Sohie', '2024'], ['Peter', '2025'] ``` At this point, our dictionary is empty: ```py yearDict = { } ``` Let's take Andy first. His year is 2025. After we add Andy to the dictionary, it looks like this: ```py yearDict = {'2025': ['Andy'] } ``` Now we add in Sohie, who has a different year, so that means a new key:value pair. ```py yearDict = {'2025': ['Andy'], '2024': ['Sohie'] } ``` And now we add in Peter. Peter will graduate in 2025, so we can add their name to the list associated with the key '2025': ```py yearDict = {'2025': ['Andy', 'Peter'], '2024': ['Sohie'] } ``` Hint: remember that each **key** in a dictionary must be unique. So if the key already exists in your dictionary, then add the name to list associated with that key. Here is some sample testing code: ```py # Create the year dictionary yearDict = makeYearDict(nameYear) list(yearDict.keys()) # ['2024', '2022', '2023', '2025'] # remember order doesn't matter yearDict['2022'] # ['Angela', 'Rumi', 'Helen', 'Lisa', 'Yujue', 'Maya', 'Ting'] yearDict['2025'] # ['Lena', 'Andrea', 'Amal', 'Ronghao', 'Alexandra', 'Rebecca', 'Rebecca', 'Jocelyn', 'Bryant', 'Claire'] len(yearDict['2024']) # 57 len(yearDict['2023']) # 33 ``` {{-- --}} @include('/labs/lab10/_toc') @stop