@extends('template') @section('title') Lab 9: Weekly Exercises @stop @section('content') # Lab 9: Tracing, Testing, and Files [This week's lab exercises](/exercises/ex08_nested_loops_files_tracing/ex08_nested_loops_files_tracing.zip) introduce you to how to write your own `optimism` tests, give you practice with 'tracing' your code by adding `print` statements, and include more exercises on file operations. Follow the link above, download and open the notebook if you don't already have it open, and use the table of contents to jump down to the "Lab exercises" part. With your partner, work through the exercises there. ## What's Next? The next part of this lab is an ungraded challenge which will require you to use the Thonny debugger to figure out what a hidden program is doing so that you can steal the secret password to decode a message. @include('/labs/lab09/_toc') @stop