@extends('template') @section('title') Lab 4 Part 1: Weekly Exercises @stop @section('content') # Lab 4: Predicates and Conditionals Exercises [This week's lab exercises](/exercises/ex04_conditionals_and_while_loops) focus on defining predicates and on using conditionals to select which code will run. Follow that link, download and open the notebook if you don't already have it open, and use the table of contents to jump down to the "Lab exercises" part (note that the "Lecture exercises: While Loops" part covers while loops which we haven't discussed yet). With your partner, work through the exercises there. Stop if you get to the "Lecture exercises: While Loops" part, as we have some other stuff to work on in lab. ## What's Next? Once you're done with the lab exercises, you should move on to the next part of today's lab. @include('/labs/lab04/_toc') @stop