""" Author: Sohie Lee Consulted: Date: Spring 2022 Purpose: Lab03, Turtle Functions Filename: turtleStuff.py Extra practice """ from turtle import * from turtleBeads import * import random # -------- provided functions are here ------------ def testLogo(): '''Provided test function for logo(). Draws 3 separate cs logos at 3 different locations.''' logo(50, 'red') teleport(200,50) logo(100, 'navy') teleport(-250,-200) logo(300, 'darkslategrey') def testBullsEye(): '''Testing the bullseye function''' # big one centered bullsEye(400, 'cadetBlue', 'bisque4') teleport(-100, 150) bullsEye(150, 'red','darkSeaGreen3') teleport(100, 300) bullsEye(80, 'black', 'white') teleport(-200, -150) bullsEye(180, 'orange','yellow') teleport(0, -200) bullsEye(80, 'midnightblue', 'lightcyan2') teleport(50, 200) bullsEye(20, 'dodgerBlue3', 'lightpink') teleport(100, -10) bullsEye(120, 'bisque','magenta') def testRectFlower(): '''Tests the rectFlower function with 3 invocations.''' rectFlower('orange', 75, 30) teleport(200, 100) rectFlower('navy', 200, 125) teleport(-200, -100) rectFlower('lightCyan2', 200, 34) # -------- end provided functions ------------ # ----- write your own functions and tests below here -----