@extends('template') @section('title') Lab 3, Part 3: Bees (more turtle functions) @stop @section('content') # Lab 3, Part 3: Bees (more turtle functions) You'll get more practice with writing python functions that draw turtle graphics in this part of lab. Open `lab03/bees.py` to get started... ## Task 1: Write a generic bee function In the file `bees.py`, you are given two functions called `bigBee()` and `littleBee()`. These functions produce, as you might expect, a big bee (yellow with navy stripe) and a small bee (green with red stripe). Note that both of these functions are zero-parameter functions, so colors and sizes are hard-coded. The diagram below shows the dimensions of each bee (they share the same proportions). Your job is to capture the pattern in these two bee functions, and write one generic `bee` function that, given the colors and size, will draw a bee with the same proportions as those above. This [google doc worksheet](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FTv1ZyI-ngj3lCvduRk1Rol7P5qKf5U3PuNGePfMuw0/edit) displays the `bigBee` and `littleBee` functions side-by-side, which you may find useful.
### Test your `bee` function You can test your `bee` function by using it to reproduce the original `bigBee` and `littleBee`. You can use the invocations below in your `test` function. ```py # this invocation is intended to replicate the original bigBee bee(______, ________, _______) teleport(200, 200) # so the bees don't overlap # this invocation is intended to replicate the original littleBee bee(______, ________, _______) ``` When you run your code, you should see this: Note: you might notice that the vertical stripe of the bee runs beyond the edges of the bee's body. This is because when the `pensize` is set to be very large, the pen "leaks" over the edge of the body when it is positioned at the body's edge. For now, don't worry about it. ## A swarm of bees! Our goal here is to generate a swarm of randomly-sized bees at random locations and with random colors (so much randomness!). Eventually, your `swarm` function will draw something like this: We'll need to work our way up to a swarm. Let's start small, with a single random bee first. ## Task 2: Random bee You will write a function that will use your `bee` function to generate a bee of random size at a random location. Your `oneRandomBee` function is a zero-parameter function that does not return a value. Recall that `random.randint(a, b)` returns a random integer between `a` and `b`, inclusive. You can use this to generate a random size for your bee. A reasonable range is between 5 and 100, but you and your partner can choose a smaller or larger range if desired. Similarly, you can also use `random.randint` to generate a random `x` and `y` location for the bee. The `x` and `y` coordinates can range between -400 and +400. With your partner, sketch out or talk about your plan. You can test your `oneRandomBee` function by calling it from your `test` function: ```py oneRandomBee() ``` Each invocation will produce a random bee, here are 3 examples (yours will be different because of the randomness). It's important to test a bunch of times when using random numbers. ## Task 3: Swarm Once you are convinced that your `oneRandomBee` function works properly, then write the `swarm` function which will draw a swarm of 10 bees. Here are some swarm examples. Two of the examples use random colors, which you have not yet incorporated, but can do so (you can use the provided `randomTurtleColor` function). It just takes one line of code to make that change. Note: You and your partner might be wondering if there is a more elegant way to repeat a line of code 10 times. Yes, there is a way (loops) and we will get to loops in a couple of weeks. You can even add a flower in your drawing, so there is something for the bees to land on. ## Task 4a: Make your `bee` function fruitful Now, let's revisit your original `bee` function and make it fruitful. Let's have the `bee` function return the total area of the bee (head area + body area). Add a few lines of code to your `bee` function to calculate and return the area of the bee. Hints: + area of a circle is: `pi` * `r`2 where `r` is the radius + in Python you can ```py from math import pi ``` and then use `pi` as needed. + some test cases: ```py In []: bee(100, 'pink','yellow') Out[]: 36442.4747816416 In []: bee(25, 'black','orange') Out[]: 2277.6546738526 ``` ## Task 4b: Fruitful `oneRandomBee` Now that `bee` is fruitful, make `oneRandomBee` fruitful as well `oneRandomBee` should return the total area of the bee drawn. Here are some sample tests (recall that `oneRandomBee` is random, so your tests won't match ours). ```py In []: oneRandomBee() Out[]: 25105.2208770729 In []: oneRandomBee() Out[]: 32889.33349043154 ``` ## Task 4c: Fruitful `swarm` Continuing along the same lines, now that `oneRandomBee` is fruitful, make `swarm` fruitful as well. `swarm` should return the total area of all the 10 bees drawn in the swarm. Here are some sample tests (recall that there is randomness, so your tests won't match ours). ```py In []: swarm() Out[]: 199267.45210601628 In []: swarm() Out[]: 107767.68642427053 In []: swarm() Out[]: 139144.65721126396 ``` @include('/labs/lab03/_toc') @stop