@extends('template') @section('title') L1P1 Lab workflow setup @stop @section('content') # Lab 1: Part 1: Lab workflow setup Each lab, you will start by downloading a folder from the `cs.wellesley.edu` server that contains starter code we provide. This will be done via a SFTP program called Cyberduck, which allows you to send files to and from computers/servers. The Cyberduck interface & logo. There are buttons along the top (the first is "Open Connection") and a table fills up most of the screen displaying different folders with arrows to expand each to see what is inside. Cyberduck is already installed on the lab computers, and you can [download it here](https://cyberduck.io/?l=en) when on your home computer. ### Open Cyberduck On your lab computer click the **Spotlight tool** (magnifying glass on the top right of the screen), and search for **Cyberduck** to locate it on your computer. Once Cyberduck is loaded, on the top left corner of the window, click Open Connection icon: The Open Connection icon in Cyberduck. It is the first element within the window's first toolbar.
This will open a new window that looks like this: The dialog that pops up after activating open connection. It is a form with 7 inputs and two main buttons (Cancel and Connect). The inputs are: 1. Protocol (selector). 2. Server (text input). 3. Port (number input; gets value from Protocol input automtically so you can ignore it). 4. Username (text input). 5. Password (hidden text input). 6. Anonymous Login (checkbox; we won't use this). 7. SSH Private Key (selector; we won't use this). The buttons come after all of the inputs, and focus starts on the Usernaem field. Select or fill in each part as indicated by Steps 1 through 5 below : Instructions for the Open Connection dialog described above. 5 Steps: 1. Navigate to the Protocol selector at the top, and make sure that “SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol)” is selected. 2. Tab or navigate to the next input for Server, and type out “cs.wellesley.edu”. 3. Skip the Port input and the URL text, and navigate to the Username input; enter your CS account username (your Wellesley email without the “@wellesley.edu” part). 4. Navigate to the next input for Password, and enter your CS account password (NOT your main Wellesley password). 5. Navigate to the Connect button near the end of the form, and activate it to open the connection, or just press Enter.
If your login is successful, you will see something like this: You will be taken back to the main window, but if your password or username was incorrect, after a moment you'll be taken to another Password input. You can type your password again and press Enter, or navigate back to the Username field to retype that. If you select the Cancel button or hit Escape, you'll be taken back to the Open Connection button and you can try the whole process again. Once the connection opens, your focus will be taken from the Open Connection button to a table. Press the down arrow key to enter the table, and from there you can use the up/down keys to select an entry, and the left/right arrow keys to collapse/expand entries. Navigate into the `cs111` folder (by double clicking it), and then navigate into the `download` folder. This download folder is a special directory that every student has access to. We (the instructors) can place files in this folder and it will be accessible to all students. Think of it as a shared folders that you (the students) can read, and we (the instructors) can read/write. Within the `download` folder, locate the `lab01` folder and drag it to your **Desktop**. Once the folder is downloaded, open it to familiarize yourself with the contents. Once you've selected the lab01 folder in the table described above, you'll need to navigate with your screen reader controls out of the table and back to the toolbar where the Open Connection button was. The fourth control in that toolbar is named Action, and activating it opens a menu. The 11th option in that menu is Download, which you can use to download whatever you had left selected in the table, hopefully the lab01 folder. The shortcut for Download is option-down-arrow on a Mac. This will open a new window asking for you to enter your password again. After doing so, a Transfers window will open. Downloads go to your default Downloads folder. If a file already exists with the same name as the download, a confirmation dialog will open. The transfer window will start with focus on a table, entering this table should place your focus on the latest transfer, which should say “Download complete” if it succeeded. If that's the case, you can safely close the Transfers window. Note that the Action menu also contains an Upload action (shortcut option-up-arrow) which will open a dialog to select the file to upload. It will be uploaded into the current folder being displayed in the main table, not the selected folder; you can use command-down-arrow to enter a selected folder, and you can use New Folder from the Action menu (shortcut command-shift-N) to create folders. I have not verified Windows shortcuts, but they are likely similar with command replaced by control and option by alt. @include('/labs/lab01/_toc') @stop