""" Turtle-based graphics library for drawing various shapes centered on the cursor. turtleBeads.py In general, these functions draw things centered at the cursor, and put the cursor back where it started afterwards. Set the pensize and pencolor before drawing a shape to control what is drawn. For most shapes you can also use fillcolor and begin_fill/end_fill to fill in the shape. This module also causes built-in turtle commands to print descriptions of what they draw, and offers the `describeAs` and `endDescription` functions to provide custom descriptions of collections of turtle commands. These printed descriptions can be used to verify that drawing matches a specified desired drawing. """ __version__ = "1.0.1" import math import random import turtle as t # Setup function #--------------- def setupTurtle(): """ Sets up the turtle window using default size, speed, pen size, and pen/fill colors. """ try: t.setup() except Exception: pass t.setup() t.reset() t.pensize(1.5) t.color("black", "black") # TODO: Move turtle window to front # Print control #-------------- PRINT_RESULTS = True """ Whether or not to print each time we draw something. Includes printing for built-in turtle functions forward, back, circle, and begin/end_fill. """ PRINT_LINES = True """ Global to enable/disable printing for the forward and backward commands (and their aliases). Useful because turtleBeads wants to use those commands as part of larger shapes but print a higher-level summary of the larger shape instead. """ CURRENT_DESCRIPTION = None """ A custom description of what is currently being drawn. """ def describeAngle(angle, normalize=360): """ Converts an angle (in floating-point degrees) to a string description of that angle. The second argument (default 360) should be either a number or None, and controls normalization. When it's exactly the integer 180 (not 180.0), angles 0, and 180 will be described as "horizontal" and angles 90 and 270 will be described as "vertical". When it's exactly the integer 360, angles 0, 90, 180, and 270 will be described using the cardinal directions (according to the default right-handed coordinate system). If normalize is None, then no normalization is performed, and, for example, negative angles will remain negative. The angle will always be rounded to the nearest tenth of a degree. """ if type(normalize) == int and normalize == 180: norm = ((round(angle, 1) % 180) + 180) % 180 if norm == 0.0: return "horizontal" elif norm == 90.0: return "vertical" # otherwise fall out elif type(normalize) == int and normalize == 360: norm = ((round(angle, 1) % 360) + 360) % 360 if norm == 0.0: return "East" elif norm == 90.0: return "North" elif norm == 180.0: return "West" elif norm == 270.0: return "South" # otherwise fall out elif normalize is not None: norm = ((round(angle, 1) % normalize) + normalize) % normalize else: norm = round(angle, 1) return withTenths(norm) + '°' def describeColor(color): """ Describes a color. """ if isinstance(color, (list, tuple)): return "RGB" + repr(color) else: return color def withTenths(val): """ Returns a string containing the given floating-point value rounded to the tenths place, with the decimal and zero dropped if it's an even number. """ result = "{:.1f}".format(val) if result[-1] == '0': result = result[:-2] return result def describePen(pensize, pencolor): """ Returns a string describing the pen format for the given size & color. """ return "{}-pensize {}".format(withTenths(pensize), describeColor(pencolor)) def decorateBuiltins(): """ Handles the decoration of built-in turtle functions so that they print a report when called. Note that this function monkey-patches the turtle module, but does not affect already-imported specific names from that module. So if you do `from turtle import *` followed by `turtleBeads.decorateBuiltins` the names you imported won't link to the decorated functions. However, if you call `decorateBuiltins` first, the functions you import will be decorated. """ def wrapLineFcn(basefcn): """ Wrapper for line functions (fd/bk/etc.) that announces the line drawn. """ def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): """ PLACEHOLDER """ if ( PRINT_RESULTS and CURRENT_DESCRIPTION is None and PRINT_LINES and t.isdown() ): # Preliminary info wasAt = t.position() angle = describeAngle(t.heading(), normalize=180) fmt = describePen(t.pensize(), t.pencolor()) # Call the wrapped function basefcn(*args, **kwargs) # Gather final info nowAt = t.position() print( "A {} {} line from ({}, {}) to ({}, {}).".format( fmt, angle, round(wasAt[0]), round(wasAt[1]), round(nowAt[0]), round(nowAt[1]) ) ) else: basefcn(*args, **kwargs) wrapped.__name__ = basefcn.__name__ wrapped.__doc__ = basefcn.__doc__ + """ This version also prints a description of the line it draws if the pen is down. """ return wrapped # Wrap forward & backward functions for lf in (t.fd, t.forward, t.bk, t.back, t.backward): setattr(t, lf.__name__, wrapLineFcn(getattr(t, lf.__name__))) orig_circle = t.circle def loudCircle(radius, degrees=360): """ PLACEHOLDER """ global PRINT_LINES if PRINT_RESULTS and CURRENT_DESCRIPTION is None and t.isdown(): # Collect preliminary info wasAt = t.position() wasFacing = t.heading() fmt = describePen(t.pensize(), t.pencolor()) # Draw the circle (w/out reporting lines) wasPrintingLines = PRINT_LINES PRINT_LINES = False orig_circle(radius, degrees) PRINT_LINES = wasPrintingLines # Collect final info nowAt = t.position() nowFacing = t.heading() # Compute center center = ( wasAt[0] + math.cos(math.radians(wasFacing + 90)) * radius, wasAt[1] + math.sin(math.radians(wasFacing + 90)) * radius ) if degrees >= 360: print( ( "A {} circle centered at ({}, {}) with radius" + " {}." ).format( fmt, round(center[0]), round(center[1]), withTenths(radius) ) ) else: print( "A {} arc from ({}, {}) facing {} to ({}, {}) facing {}." .format( fmt, round(wasAt[0]), round(wasAt[1]), describeAngle(wasFacing), round(nowAt[0]), round(nowAt[1]), describeAngle(nowFacing) ) ) else: orig_circle(radius, degrees) loudCircle.__name__ = t.circle.__name__ loudCircle.__doc__ = t.circle.__doc__ + """ This version also prints a description of the circle or arc it draws if the pen is down. """ t.circle = loudCircle orig_bf = t.begin_fill def loudBeginFill(): """ PLACEHOLDER """ orig_bf() if PRINT_RESULTS and CURRENT_DESCRIPTION is None: print("Start of filled shape.") orig_ef = t.end_fill def loudEndFill(): """ PLACEHOLDER """ color = t.fillcolor() orig_ef() if PRINT_RESULTS and CURRENT_DESCRIPTION is None: print("Filled in shape using {}.".format(color)) loudBeginFill.__name__ = t.begin_fill.__name__ loudBeginFill.__doc__ = t.begin_fill.__doc__ + """ This version also announces that filling has begun. """ loudEndFill.__name__ = t.end_fill.__name__ loudEndFill.__doc__ = t.end_fill.__doc__ + """ This version also announces that filling has ended, along with the current fill color. """ t.begin_fill = loudBeginFill t.end_fill = loudEndFill orig_write = t.write def loudWrite( text, move=False, align="left", font=("Arial", 8, "normal") ): """ PLACEHOLDER """ if PRINT_RESULTS and CURRENT_DESCRIPTION is None: # Collect preliminary info wasAt = t.position() angle = describeAngle(t.heading()) fmt = "{}pt {}{}".format( font[1], font[0], ' ' + font[2] if font[2] != "normal" else '' ) # Draw the text orig_write(text, move=move, align=align, font=font) # Print a message print( "The text '{}' in {} font at {}{}".format( text, fmt, (round(wasAt[0]), round(wasAt[1])), ( '' if angle == "East" else ( " running " + angle if angle in ("North", "West", "South") else ( " tilted at " + angle ) ) ) ) ) else: t.write(text, move=move, align=align, font=font) loudWrite.__name__ = t.write.__name__ loudWrite.__doc__ = t.write.__doc__ + """ This version also announces the text that is drawn. """ t.write = loudWrite def redefineBuiltins(): """ Defines `turtle` built-in functions as global variables in this module, meaning that `turtle` doesn't have to be imported. If called after `decorateBuiltins`, the globals defined will be the decorated versions. This also creates a few lowerCamelCase versions of turtle functions which have inconsistent naming, like begin_fill/end_fill and pencolor/fillcolor. """ global fd, bk, forward, back, backward, circle, begin_fill,\ end_fill, write, beginFill, endFill, penColor, fillColor,\ setHeading, setPosition, setX, setY, penUp, penDown, penSize,\ bgColor # Pass-throughs into global namespace fd = t.fd forward = t.fd bk = t.bk back = t.bk backward = t.bk circle = t.circle begin_fill = t.begin_fill end_fill = t.end_fill write = t.write # lowerCamelCase versions endFill = t.end_fill beginFill = t.begin_fill penColor = t.pencolor fillColor = t.fillcolor setHeading = t.setheading setPosition = t.setpos setX = t.setx setY = t.sety penUp = t.penup penDown = t.pendown penSize = t.pensize penColor = t.pencolor def beSilent(): """ Disables printed output of turtle drawing. Re-enable it with `beLoud`. """ global PRINT_RESULTS PRINT_RESULTS = False def beLoud(): """ Re-enables printed output of turtle drawing if it's been turned off using `beSilent`. """ global PRINT_RESULTS PRINT_RESULTS = True def describeAs(description): """ Sets the given description and turns announcements off until `endDescription` or `beLoud` is called. Calling `endDescription` will print the provided description. Calling `describeAs` again will print the current description if there is one before setting a new description. While a custom description is active, default description messages will not be printed. """ global CURRENT_DESCRIPTION if PRINT_RESULTS and CURRENT_DESCRIPTION is not None: print(CURRENT_DESCRIPTION) CURRENT_DESCRIPTION = description def endDescription(): """ Prints out the current description if there is one, and sets it to None, so that default descriptions will be produced. """ global CURRENT_DESCRIPTION if PRINT_RESULTS and CURRENT_DESCRIPTION is not None: print(CURRENT_DESCRIPTION) CURRENT_DESCRIPTION = None def quietLines(): """ Disables printed output for forward/back commands and their aliases. Re-enable with `loudLines`. """ global PRINT_LINES PRINT_LINES = False def loudLines(): """ Re-enables printed output for forward/back commands if it was disabled with `quietLines`. """ global PRINT_LINES PRINT_LINES = True # Apply decorations even on import decorateBuiltins() # Create re/extra definitions in this module redefineBuiltins() # Trace control #-------------- def noTrace(): """ Disables turtle tracing, so that drawing will be near-instant (much faster than even speed 0). However, nothing will be displayed until you call showPicture. """ t.tracer(0, 0) def doTrace(): """ Re-enables tracing, so that the turtle will move along the path that it draws and you can see each line being drawn. This function first updates the picture to display any lines drawn since tracing was disabled (if it had been). """ t.update() # TODO: What args here? t.tracer(1, 1) def showPicture(): """ Shows any lines drawn so far. Required when noTrace has been called to disable real-time drawing. """ t.update() # Movement shortcuts #------------------- def realign(): """ Sets the turtle's heading back to the default (0 degrees = facing right). """ t.setheading(0) def teleport(x, y): """ Penup + goto + pendown. """ downNow = t.isdown() t.penup() t.goto(x, y) if downNow: t.pendown() def leap(dist): """ Penup + fd + pendown. You can use a negative number to go backwards. """ downNow = t.isdown() t.penup() t.fd(dist) if downNow: t.pendown() def hop(dist): """ Lifts the pen and moves the given distance to the left of the current turtle position without changing the orientation of the turtle (hops sideways). Use a negative number to hop to the right. Puts the pen back down when it's done if the pen was down beforehand. """ downNow = t.isdown() t.penup() t.lt(90) t.fd(dist) t.rt(90) if downNow: t.pendown() # Drawing parameters #------------------- BASE_CURVE_STEPS = 32 # Default number of sides of a circle MAX_CURVE_STEPS = 128 # Maximum number of sides for a circle TARGET_SEGMENT_LENGTH = 3 # Ideal length for each side of a circle # "Beads" functions #------------------ def drawCircle(radius): """ Draws a circle centered at the given position with the given radius, and puts the turtle back where it started when it's done. Actually, it draws a many-sided polygon, but the difference should usually be hard to see. """ downNow = t.isdown() # Start a description if there isn't a custom description active describing = False if CURRENT_DESCRIPTION is None and downNow: describing = True x, y = t.position() fmt = describePen(t.pensize(), t.pencolor()) describeAs( "A {} circle centered at ({}, {}) with radius {}".format( fmt, round(x), round(y), withTenths(radius) ) ) steps = BASE_CURVE_STEPS segmentLength = (2 * math.pi * radius) / steps while segmentLength > TARGET_SEGMENT_LENGTH and steps < MAX_CURVE_STEPS: steps += 1 segmentLength = (2 * math.pi * radius) / steps start = t.pos() starth = t.heading() t.penup() t.lt(90) t.fd(radius) t.rt(90) if downNow: t.pendown() t.fd(segmentLength / 2) t.rt(360 / steps) for i in range(steps - 1): t.fd(segmentLength) t.rt(360 / steps) t.penup() t.fd(segmentLength / 2) t.goto(start[0], start[1]) t.seth(starth) if downNow: t.pendown() if describing: endDescription() def ellipsePointAt(major, minor, angle): """ Takes an angle in degrees and computes the ellipse point for that many degrees clockwise from the top of the ellipse where the given minor radius is vertical and the given major radius is horizontal. Uses the trammel drawing method from: https://www.joshuanava.biz/engineering-3/methods-of-drawing-an-ellipse.html The angle specified is interpreted as the trammel angle, not an angle of a ray from the center of the ellipse through the given point. """ rad = math.radians(90 - angle) yIntercept = -(major - minor) * math.sin(rad) xValue = major * math.cos(rad) yValue = yIntercept + major * math.sin(rad) return (xValue, yValue) def drawEllipse(radius, aspectRatio, arcAngle=None): """ Draws an ellipse with the given radius and aspect ratio. If aspectRatio is less than 1, the given radius will be the ellipse's larger radius, and the ellipse will stretch farther to the sides of the turtle than in front of and behind it, otherwise the given radius will be the smaller radius, and the ellipse will stretch farther to the front and back than to the sides (the given radius is always the distance from the turtle's current position to the sides of the ellipse directly left and right of the turtle). There is an optional argument 'arcAngle,' which will cause this function to draw only part of an ellipse. The ellipse segment is drawn starting at the left of the current cursor position if the aspect ratio is greater than or equal to 1, or starting behind the current cursor position if the aspect ration is less than 1. """ # Measure starting position/orientation downNow = t.isdown() startPos = t.pos() startHeading = t.heading() headingAdjust = 0 # Start a description if there isn't a custom description active describing = False if CURRENT_DESCRIPTION is None and downNow: describing = True fmt = describePen(t.pensize(), t.pencolor()) if aspectRatio < 1: majorlen = radius minorlen = radius * aspectRatio majorAngle = describeAngle(t.heading() + 90, normalize=180) else: majorlen = radius * aspectRatio minorlen = radius majorAngle = describeAngle(t.heading(), normalize=180) if majorAngle in ("horizontal", "vertical"): major = majorAngle + " major axis" else: major = "major axis at " + majorAngle axes = "a {}-unit {} and a {}-unit minor axis".format( withTenths(majorlen), major, withTenths(minorlen) ) describeAs( "{a} {fmt} ellipse centered at ({x}, {y}) with {axes}".format( a=( "A" if arcAngle is None else str(round(arcAngle)) + "° of a" ), fmt=fmt, x=round(startPos[0]), y=round(startPos[1]), axes=axes ) ) # Decide minor/major axes and start angle based on aspect ratio: if aspectRatio >= 1: minor = radius major = radius * aspectRatio startAngle = 0 # Get into position to start the ellipse: t.penup() t.lt(90) t.fd(minor) t.rt(90) if downNow: t.pendown() here = (0, minor) else: minor = radius * aspectRatio major = radius startAngle = -90 headingAdjust = -90 # Get into position to start the ellipse: t.penup() t.lt(90) t.fd(major) t.rt(90) if downNow: t.pendown() here = (-major, 0) # Compute number of segments to draw based on estimated segment length: steps = BASE_CURVE_STEPS segmentLength = (2 * math.pi * major) / steps while segmentLength > TARGET_SEGMENT_LENGTH and steps < MAX_CURVE_STEPS: steps += 1 segmentLength = (2 * math.pi * major) / steps # Actually draw the ellipse: stop = False for i in range(1, steps + 1): nextAngle = startAngle + i * 360 / steps if arcAngle is not None and nextAngle > startAngle + arcAngle: stop = True there = ellipsePointAt(major, minor, startAngle + arcAngle) else: there = ellipsePointAt(major, minor, nextAngle) vec = (there[0] - here[0], there[1] - here[1]) # Compute heading in unrotated ellipse and distance to travel: towardsNext = math.degrees(math.atan2(vec[1], vec[0])) dist = (vec[0] * vec[0] + vec[1] * vec[1]) ** 0.5 # Draw segment: t.setheading(startHeading + headingAdjust + towardsNext) t.fd(dist) # Update here -> there here = there if stop: break # Return to original position and heading: t.penup() t.goto(startPos[0], startPos[1]) t.setheading(startHeading) if downNow: t.pendown() if describing: endDescription() def drawDot(radius): """ Draws a circle filled with the current pen color of the given radius. Does not move the turtle. For large circles, this may be more round than the result of the drawCircle function, and it will also be faster, but the limitation is that the circle will always be filled in, and the pen color will be used as the fill color (can't have separate border + fill colors). """ # Start a description if there isn't a custom description active describing = False if CURRENT_DESCRIPTION is None and t.isdown(): describing = True describeAs( "A {} dot with radius {}.".format( describeColor(t.pencolor()), radius ) ) oldSize = t.pensize() t.pensize(radius * 2) t.fd(0) t.pensize(oldSize) if describing: endDescription() def drawSquare(size): """ Draws a square of the given size centered on the current turtle position. Puts the turtle back when it's done. """ drawRectangle(size, size) def drawRectangle(length, width): """ Draws a rectangle of the given length (in front of and behind the turtle) and width (to the left and right of the turtle) centered on the current turtle position. Puts the turtle back when it's done. """ downNow = t.isdown() # Start a description if there isn't a custom description active describing = False if CURRENT_DESCRIPTION is None and downNow: describing = True fmt = describePen(t.pensize(), t.pencolor()) x, y = t.position() # If it's square if width == length: angle = describeAngle(t.heading(), normalize=90) describeAs( ( "A {fmt} {side} by {side} square centered at" + " ({x}, {y}){angle}." ).format( fmt=fmt, side=length, x=round(x), y=round(y), angle=( " tilted at " + angle if angle != "0°" else "" ) ) ) else: # it has long/short axes # Figure out the real length/width/angle where length is longer dlen = length dwid = width dangle = t.heading() if width > length: dlen = width dwid = length dangle = t.heading() + 90 angle = describeAngle(dangle, normalize=180) if angle in ("horizontal", "vertical"): angleString = "a {} long axis".format(angle) else: angleString = "a long axis at {}".format(angle) describeAs( ( "A {fmt} {length} by {width} rectangle centered at" + " ({x}, {y}) with {angle}." ).format( fmt=describeColor(t.pencolor()), length=dlen, width=dwid, x=round(x), y=round(y), angle=angleString ) ) t.penup() t.lt(90) t.fd(width / 2) t.rt(90) t.bk(length / 2) if downNow: t.pendown() t.fd(length) t.rt(90) t.fd(width) t.rt(90) t.fd(length) t.rt(90) t.fd(width) t.rt(90) t.penup() t.fd(length / 2) t.rt(90) t.fd(width / 2) t.lt(90) if downNow: t.pendown() if describing: endDescription() POLYGON_NAMES = [ "point", "line", "hinge", "triangle", "quadrilateral", "pentagon", "hexagon", "heptagon", "octagon" "nonagon", "decagon", None, # it's called a "hendecagon," "undecagon," or "endecagon" but # who the heck knows that? "dodecagon", ] """ Names of polygons with various numbers of sides. """ def polygon_name(n): """ The name for a polygon with N sides. """ if n in range(len(POLYGON_NAMES)) and POLYGON_NAMES[n] is not None: return POLYGON_NAMES[n] else: return str(n) + '-gon' def drawPolygon(sideLength, numSides): """ Draws a polygon with the given side length and number of sides, centered at the current position. numSides must be at least 3, or nothing will be drawn. The polygon created is always equilateral, and always has one side perpendicular to the current heading that's to the left of the current turtle position (left based on the current turtle heading). """ if numSides < 3: return downNow = t.isdown() # Start a description if there isn't a custom description active describing = False if CURRENT_DESCRIPTION is None and downNow: describing = True fmt = describePen(t.pensize(), t.pencolor()) x, y = t.position() angle = describeAngle(t.heading() + 90, normalize=360) describeAs( ( "A {fmt} {shape} with side length {side} centered at" + " ({x}, {y}) with a flat side facing {angle}." ).format( fmt=fmt, shape=polygon_name(numSides), side=sideLength, x=round(x), y=round(y), angle=angle ) ) # (sideLength/2) / center-side distance = tan(theta/2) # so center-side distance = (sideLength/2) / tan(theta/2) sideAngle = 360 / numSides centerSideDist = ( (sideLength / 2) / math.tan(math.radians(sideAngle) / 2) ) t.penup() t.lt(90) t.fd(centerSideDist) t.rt(90) if downNow: t.pendown() t.fd(sideLength / 2) t.rt(sideAngle) for i in range(numSides - 1): t.fd(sideLength) t.rt(sideAngle) t.fd(sideLength / 2) t.penup() t.rt(90) t.fd(centerSideDist) t.lt(90) if downNow: t.pendown() if describing: endDescription() # Text drawing #------------- FONT_SIZE = 18 TEXT_ALIGN = "center" def fontsize(size): """ Sets the current font size. The default font size is 18. The argument must be a number, and will be rounded to the nearest integer. """ global FONT_SIZE FONT_SIZE = int(abs(size)) def align(where): """ Sets the current text alignment. The default is "center". The argument must be one of the strings "center", "left", or "right", or there will be no effect. """ global TEXT_ALIGN if where in ("center", "left", "right"): TEXT_ALIGN = where def drawText(text): """ Draws the given text using the current font size and alignment (see the fontsize and align functions). The text is drawn due North of the current turtle position, no matter what direction the turtle is facing, and cannot be rotated. Either the left edge, the center, or the right edge of the text will be directly above the turtle, depending on the current alignment setting. The turtle is not moved by this command. If the text contains a newline character, multiple lines of text will be written. """ # Note: This will be loudWrite, which will describe itself t.write(text, False, TEXT_ALIGN, ("Arial", FONT_SIZE, "normal")) # Random Color Functions #----------------------- def randomPastelColor(): """ Returns a random pastel color. """ return random.choice([ # Purple "Plum", "Thistle", # Bluish "LightSkyBlue", "PaleTurquoise", # Green-blue "Aquamarine", # Greenish "PaleGreen", # Yellowish/cream "LightYellow", "BlanchedAlmond", # Redish "LightPink", "MistyRose", ]) def randomVibrantColor(): """ Returns a random well-saturated color. """ return random.choice([ "Blue", "Navy", "Red", "DarkRed", "Green", "ForestGreen", "Yellow", "Purple", "SaddleBrown", "SeaGreen", "Orange", "VioletRed", ]) def randomMutedColor(): """ Returns a random faded color. """ return random.choice([ "Aquamarine3", "DarkSeaGreen3", "DarkOrange3", "GoldenRod3", "DarkSlateGray4", "IndianRed3", "Salmon3", "MediumPurple2", "Plum3", "OliveDrab3", "PaleGreen3", ]) def randomWarmColor(): """ Returns a random well-saturated warm color. """ return random.choice([ # Pinks "DeepPink", "Salmon", # Reds "Red", "DarkRed", "Tomato", # Oranges "Orange", "DarkOrange", "Coral", # Yellows & browns "Yellow", "SaddleBrown", "Sienna", # Greens "Chartreuse", "YellowGreen", ]) def randomCoolColor(): """ Returns a random well-saturated cool color. """ return random.choice([ "Purple", "BlueViolet", "Blue", "DodgerBlue", "RoyalBlue", "Navy", "DarkSlateBlue", "Turquoise", "SeaGreen", "DarkGreen", "ForestGreen", ]) # Testing #-------- def test_TurtleBeads(): """ Tests this module by drawing various shapes in a grid. """ setupTurtle() noTrace() teleport(-200, 200) drawCircle(50) print("Circle done...") teleport(-100, 200) drawEllipse(50, 0.5) print("Ellipse 1 done...") teleport(0, 200) drawEllipse(40, 1.5) print("Ellipse 2 done...") teleport(100, 200) drawDot(25) print("Filled circle done...") teleport(200, 200) drawSquare(50) print("Square done...") teleport(-200, 100) drawRectangle(50, 75) print("Rectangle 1 done...") teleport(-100, 100) drawRectangle(75, 50) print("Rectangle 2 done...") teleport(0, 100) drawPolygon(40, 3) print("Polygon 1 done...") teleport(100, 100) drawPolygon(40, 5) print("Polygon 2 done...") teleport(200, 100) drawPolygon(20, 12) print("Polygon 3 done...") teleport(0, 0) drawText("Hello\nWorld") print("Text done...") showPicture() teleport(-200, -80) for i in range(10): t.fillcolor("navy") t.begin_fill() t.lt(18.182 * i) drawSquare(20.1827 + 1.802938 * i) t.rt(18.182 * i) t.end_fill() leap(50) print("Row of squares is done...") teleport(-200, -160) for i in range(10): t.fillcolor("navy") t.begin_fill() t.lt(18.182 * i) drawEllipse(20.1827 + 1.802938 * i, 1.345 + 0.03 * i) t.rt(18.182 * i) t.end_fill() leap(50) print("Row of ellipses is done...") showPicture() if __name__ == "__main__": test_TurtleBeads() input("Press enter when done...")