""" Author(s): Date: Purpose: CS111 Lab: FRUITFUL Recursion and Turtles Filename: fruitfulTurtles.py """ from turtle import * # Provided helper function # You can, but don't need to, change anything in this function def initializeTurtle(): ''' Initialize turtle on Canvas before drawing ''' setup(800, 600) # Create a turtle window reset() # Show turtle window and turtle pencolor('black') # You can change the pencolor shape('turtle') # makes the turtle shape rather than default arrow # Set the speed; 0=No animation, 1=slowest, 6=normal, 10=fast, etc. speed(1) # Start the turtle in the bottom left corner pu() setx(-200) sety(-200) pd() # Magical statements to make turtle window come to top of screen getscreen()._root.attributes('-topmost', True) getscreen()._root.attributes('-topmost', False) # Incomplete provided template of fruitfulRowTuple: def fruitfulRowTuple(size, shrinkFactor, minimumSize): if size < minimumSize: return ??? else: square(size) fd(size) ??? = 1 + fruitfulRowTuple(size*shrinkFactor, shrinkFactor, minimumSize) bk(size) return ??? def run(): initializeTurtle() # INVOKE YOUR FUNCTIONS HERE # Invoke run to run your turtle program if __name__ == "__main__": run()