This demo shows a basketball hoop using nested functions.
The material for all the elements of the hoop is a MeshPhongMaterial, and the netting has it's wireframe property set to true.
The origin of the frame is at the center of the base. The net sticks out in the positive z direction, the backboard runs parallel to the x axis, and the pole runs along the y axis.
The dimensions for the the hoop are specified in params:
*The pole is a cyliner 75 px high with a 2 px radius
*The backboard is 50 px wide, 30 px high, 4 px deep
*The base is a cylinder with a 4 px top radius, 30 px bottom
radius, and a height of 5 px*The rim is a torus with a radius of 8 px, and a tube radius of 0.5 px
*The net is a cylinder with a 8 px top radius, (0.8)*top radius bottom radius, and a height f 14 px