\( \newcommand{\vecIII}[3]{\left[\begin{array}{c} #1\\#2\\#3 \end{array}\right]} \newcommand{\vecIV}[4]{\left[\begin{array}{c} #1\\#2\\#3\\#4 \end{array}\right]} \newcommand{\Choose}[2]{ { { #1 }\choose{ #2 } } } \newcommand{\vecII}[2]{\left[\begin{array}{c} #1\\#2 \end{array}\right]} \newcommand{\vecIII}[3]{\left[\begin{array}{c} #1\\#2\\#3 \end{array}\right]} \newcommand{\vecIV}[4]{\left[\begin{array}{c} #1\\#2\\#3\\#4 \end{array}\right]} \newcommand{\matIIxII}[4]{\left[ \begin{array}{cc} #1 & #2 \\ #3 & #4 \end{array}\right]} \newcommand{\matIIIxIII}[9]{\left[ \begin{array}{ccc} #1 & #2 & #3 \\ #4 & #5 & #6 \\ #7 & #8 & #9 \end{array}\right]} \)

CS307: Keyboard and GUI Controls

Partners for Today

  • 2 Ariana+Claire Tian
  • 4 Claire Moreland+Heidi
  • 6 Hana+UGyeong
  • 8 Aizah+Ari
  • 10 Elisha+Lan
  • 12 Faith+Joyce
  • 14 Alo+Annabel
  • 16 Gabby+Marilyn
  • 18 Genevieve+Ingrid
  • 20 Ailie+Anastacia
  • 22 Emily+Hae Rin
  • 24 Amy+Rik
  • 26 Lindsay+Martha
  • 28 Jenny+Kate


  • Announcements
  • Recap: Solution to the "Two Barns" exercise
  • Review the reading
  • Quiz Questions
  • Defining an object origin for positioning
  • Exercise: Make a church (add a steeple to the barn)
  • Keyboard and GUI controls
  • Exercises: Adjust steeple height with keyboard and GUI controls
  • (optional) Exercise: Add a "hex sign" to the church


  • First Homework (solo). Build Obelisk and do the math problems.
  • You're welcome to talk to other students at a conceptual level, and help with code debugging.
  • We'll talk about upload finished on Wednesday.

Recap Exercise: Two Barns

Modify the barn code to add a second barn that is

  1. half the size of the first barn
  2. shifted to the left of the first barn, leaving a gap between the two barns
Adjust the bounding box so that you can see the two barns in their entirety. Your result might look something like this:

A possible solution: two-barns.html


Object Origins

The code to set the position of the barn is simple, and relies on a key concept, which is the notion of the position of the barn. We define this as the location of the barn's origin, which in this case, is the lower left front corner. For built-in geometries, the location of the origin is given, for example, it's at the center of a THREE.BoxGeometry or THREE.SphereGeometry. For geometries that we create from scratch, the choice of where to place the origin is somewhat arbitrary, but some choices may simplify the specification of vertex coordinates or placement of the geometry in the scene. We'll see more about this next week.

Adding a Steeple

Now, let's discuss adding a steeple to our barn to convert it into a church. The result will look like this:

church from Z axis   church from Y axis church from X axis   church from oblique view

The pictures above were based on the following:

Here's now the steeple might look in wireframe from the front and from above, with the X (red), Y (green), and Z (blue) axes shown. We will create a steeple geometry with its own origin at the center of its base.

wire church from Z and Y axes

The code that will be the starting point for this exercise has a partial definition of a function createSteeple() that creates and returns a geometry for the steeple:

/* Returns a geometry object for a steeple. The origin is
   at the center of the base, so the base vertices are at
   y=0, and x and z at plus or minus half the width */

function createSteeple(width, height) {
    var geom = new THREE.Geometry();
    var w2 = 0.5*width;

    // create the vertices for the base and top
    geom.vertices.push(new THREE.Vector3(+w2, 0, +w2));

    // insert code for the remaining four vertices

    // use the vertices to define the triangle faces

    // base - the front side faces the ground
    geom.faces.push(new THREE.Face3(0, 2, 1));
    geom.faces.push(new THREE.Face3(0, 3, 2));

    // insert code to create the four side faces

    // calculate the normals for surface colors

    return geom;

Exercise: Make a Church

Using barn-steeple-start.html as a starting point, modify the code to do the following:

Your finished code should should look something like this barn-and-steeple.html

Review Reading

Next two sections

Keyboard Controls

To implement a new keyboard control (e.g. the adjustable box), you need

The first slide in this handout shows a simple example of a keyboard control.

GUI Controls

To implement a new GUI control (e.g. the adjustable box with GUI), you need

The second slide in this handout shows a simple example of a GUI control.

Quiz Questions

Exercise: Adjust Steeple Height with a Keyboard Control

Save this slightly modified version of the church code to use as a starting point. The important part is:

var steepleHeight = 36;   /* global variable to be controlled */
var steepleWidth = 6;
var steepleMesh;
function placeSteeple(steepleHeight,steepleWidth) {
    var half = steepleWidth * 0.5;
    var steepleGeom = createSteeple(steepleWidth,steepleHeight);
    steepleMesh = TW.createMesh(steepleGeom);


Implement a function to

  1. remove the current steeple
  2. increment the height
  3. create a new steeple and place it on the barn
  4. redraw the scene

Add a keyboard callback to your code that allows you to grow the steeple by entering the '+' key.

Tip: Call TW.setKeyboardCallback() after TW.mainInit()

Your result might look like church-growSteeple.html

(Optional) Add a second keyboard callback to your code that makes the steeple shorter when you enter '-'.

Exercise: Adjust the Steeple Height with a GUI

Modify your code from the previous exercise to use a GUI control instead of a keyboard control, to adjust the height of the steeple (you may want to create a copy of your previous code to use as a starting point for this exercise).

Your result might look like church-growSteeple-GUI.html

(optional) Exercise: Add a Hex Sign

Barns in Pennsylvania Dutch country often have hex signs on them. They usually aren't actually hexagons, but ours will be, as shown in the two pictures below:


A simple hexagon-shaped sign can be created with the built-in THREE.CylinderGeometry. Examine the documentation to see how you can construct a (very short) cylinder with only six flat sides. (Note that the example in the documentation assigns a new instance of a THREE.CylinderGeometry to a constant (const), but you can create a variable (var) instead.)

Position your "hex sign" on the front of the church, as shown above.

You'll realize that the sign also needs to be rotated. A THREE.Mesh object can be rotated as follows:


where xr, yr, and zr are the desired angles of rotation around the x, y, and z axes, respectively, specifed in radians.

Here is a sample solution

Reminder: General Coding Tips

To Do for the Next Class