HTML Quick Reference Sheet


Tells browser file is in HTML format.
Info. not displayed in browser window.
Title, appears in top bar of browser.
Material displayed in browser window.
<TITLE> Title of Page </TITLE>
Material displayed in browser window


<H#> Headings </H#>, # can be 1 to 6:

largest heading size

smallest heading size
<P> Paragraph.

<BR> Line break.


Blockquote text.
Centered text.

<I>Italicized text.</I>

<B>Bold text.</B>


Bulleted List

<LI> Item One.
<LI> Item Two.


  • Item One.
  • Item Two.
Ordered List

<LI> Item One.
<LI> Item Two.


  1. Item One.
  2. Item Two.
Nested List

<LI> Item One.
<LI> Sub-Item 1.
<LI> Sub-Item 2.


  • Item One.
    • Sub-Item 1.
    • Sub-Item 2.


Absolute Click <A HREF= "http://address/filename.html"> here. </A>
Relative Click <A HREF= "filename.html"> here. </A>
Same Page Mark where to link to:
This is where I want you to <A NAME="SOMENAME">link to. </A>
Link to get there:
Click <A HREF="#SOMENAME">here. </A>


<HR> Inserts horizontal rule, or line.

<IMG attributes SRC="graphics file name or URL" > Places an image on the page.

Optional attributes include:

ALT="text", specifies alternative text if graphic cannot be displayed.
ALIGN=left or right , positions graphic against left or right margin of page.
HSPACE=x , inserts x pixels to the left and right of the image.
VSPACE=x , inserts x pixels to the top and bottom of the image.
WIDTH=x and HEIGHT=x , specifies graphics' size.
BORDER=x , specifies width of border.


A table with k rows and n columns of cells containing data is specified as follows:

<TABLE table-attributes>

<TR> // row 1
<TD datum-attributes>row 1 column 1</TD>
// row 1, columns 2 through n-1 go here
<TD datum-attributes>row 1 column n</TD>
// rows 2 through k-1 go here
// row k
<TD datum-attributes>row k column 1</TD>
// row k, columns 2 through n-1 go here
<TD datum-attributes>row k column n</TD>

Use the special token &nbsp; as the contents of an empty table cell.

Optional table-attributes include:

BORDER=x, sets width of the border, in pixels. Omit or set to 0 if border not wanted.
CELLSPACING=x, sets width of space separating the cells of a table

Optional datum-attributes include:

ALIGN=left or center or right, specifies horizontal alignment of datum in cell.
VALIGN=top or middle or bottom , specifies vertical alignment of datum in cell.
WIDTH=x , specifies width of the cell in pixels, or percent of table width if ends in %.
HEIGHT= x , specifies height of the cell in pixels, or percent of table height if ends in %.
BGCOLOR =color, specifies background color of the cell.

Row 1 Column 1</TD>
Row 1 Column 2</TD>
Row 2 Column 1</TD>
Row 2 Column 2</TD>
Row 1 Column 1 Row 1 Column 2
Row 2 Column 1 Row 2 Column 2

Nested Example:
Row 1 Column 1
Here's a</TD>
Nested Table</TD>
Row 1 Column 1
Here's a Nested Table