CS111 Labs

Stella's labs are held in SCI 257 and Jean's lab is held in SCI E101. Please visit the course schedule to see the lab session scheduled for this semester.

2-hour weekly labs are an integral part of CS111. In lab, you get to do hands-on Java programming and problem solving. Labs provide a unique opportunity for you to ask questions (and get answers!) about problems you might encounter while writing and debugging a program or designing an algorithm.

Unlike in many other science courses, labs in CS111 do not require lab reports and are not graded. Rather, their purpose is to help you understand the course material better.

Lab Instructors: Stella Kakavouli and Jean Herbst

Registering for Labs

You must register for a lab section in addition to a lecture section of CS111. Each student in the lab must have her own machine, so we cannot accommodate more than 14 students in a lab. If the section you would like to get into does not have any more room, please register for a section that's available, and then try to find someone whom you can switch with. You may post on the CS111 Spring12 Google group to find someone you can switch with.

Checkmarks for labs

Each lab consists of several tasks, each marked by a checkmark. We encourage you to show your work to a TA or a lab instructor when you are done with each task. This way you get important feedback on your work.

Red checkmarks indicate that the exercise is crucial for understanding homework material. Usually you should be able to finish all such exercises during the lab. If you haven't finished all such exercises at the lab time, we strongly encourage you to finish all of them before you start working on the homework. If you need help, please come to our office hours, we are always happy to go over the lab exercises with you. In general, we encourage you to at least look over the solutions of the rest of tasks you didn't get to work on during the lab. Solutions to the lab tasks are posted (linked from the schedule) by the end of the day of the lab.

Please keep in mind that the pace of programming is different for different people. Sometimes you may get stuck on one exercise for a while, or just have a bad day. Don't get discouraged if you finished fewer exercises than another student in a lab: that doesn't, by itself, indicate that you are behind in understanding.


Lab 1: Introduction to Fetch, DrJava, and Java Programming

Lab 2: JEMs and Java Methods.

Lab 3: More Java Methods. Conditionals