cs111: Registration

First things first: you should decide...

Is This the Right Course for Me?

cs111 has no prerequisites and requires no previous programming experience. However, we do expect students to have basic computer skills. For example, you should be familiar with either the Macintosh or Windows, and you should know how to use applications like a web browser.

The only mathematical background we expect is high school algebra and geometry.

cs111 counts for one Mathematical Modeling (MM) distribution credit. Even though cs111 has a 2-hour weekly laboratory, it does not count as an MM laboratory unit.

This semester the Computer Science department is offering two introductory classes: cs110 and cs111. These classes teach different material and are intended for different audiences.

cs111 is for students who:

For information about the other introductory class(es), click here.

If you already have substantial programming experience, consider taking cs230: Data Structures. Contact Ellen Hildreth for more information.

If you are not interested in computer science, but want to learn how to use the Internet and various software applications, you should consider cs100: Introduction to Internet Research and Resources. Contact Pattie Orr for more information.

Now, assuming that the answer is "yes", here's how to...

Get an account/ Get registered

Due to the 15 students per lab limit, we can only accomodate 30 students in each of two lectures and 15 students in each of 3 labs.

Whether you are already registered, on the wait list, or unregistered (but hoping to take the class), you must attend on the first day of classes. Regardless of your registration status, you should proceed as if you are registered.

If you intend to take this class, you must fill out the account request formby 11:00 p.m. on Monday, January 27, 2003 :

If you are registered, but you do not attend either of the lectures on the first day of class, you will be dropped from the class and your place will be given to someone on the wait list.

Changing sections

Although the two lecture sections will cover roughly the same material, there will be variations from lecture to lecture. You should plan to attend one lecture section consistently.

If you want to change lecture sections, you can, provided that there are enough seats in the room. Once you have decided which section you will attend, fill out and turn in an add/drop card as soon as possible.

Changing lab sections is more difficult, but not impossible. Because we cannot accomodate more than 15 students in the lab, it is very important for us to keep the labs balanced. This semester the labs are all held in E101 (same room as lecture) and start at 10:30am, 2:15pm and 4:10pm. Please talk to your lab instructor about changing labs, if you need to.