CS111 Teaching Assistant Information
and Application for Spring 2000
What are the responsibilities of a CS111 TA?
All tutors for CS111 are given the title of "Teaching Assistant
(TA)". The following duties are required of each TA:
- One evening of drop-in tutoring hours (Sunday through
Thursday, usually 7-9pm)
- Attend one laboratory section for the latter 1.5 hours of the
section. You will be responsible for answering questions and
helping out students, especially when there are a lot of
- One hour of "virtual tutoring". Basically, checking the CS111
bulletin when you log on, and answering questions which are still
awaiting a response. This should take about an hour in total, made
up of little time segments throughout the week.
- Grading two assignments during the semester.
- One-on-one tutoring of up to two students per week.
- Attend three one-hour-long meetings during the semester,
during which any problems or concerns on your part or ours are
addressed. These will usually be over lunch, with pizza provided.
The estimated time commitment runs from a minimum of 4.5 hours up
to a maximum of 11.5 hours per week.
What are the rewards of being a CS111 TA?
- The immense personal satisfaction of helping other students.
- Improving your teaching, personal interaction, and problem
solving skills.
- Learning CS111 material backwards and forwards. As is often
said, there is no better way to learn a subject that to teach it!
- Becoming a better programmer. Reading and debugging other
people's code on a regular basis will significantly improve your
programming skills.
- Last, but not least, you will be paid an hourly wage ($7.50
per hour) for your efforts.
What is required to become a CS111 TA?
- At the very least, you must have (1) taken CS111; (2) done
well in it; and (3) liked it a lot.
- Ideally, you should have taken CS230 or be taking it
concurrently with being a TA. But this is less important than the
first requirement.
Are you interested in being a CS111 TA for Spring, 2000?
If so, please fill out this application.