public void addPictureChoice(String name, Picture pic)
public Picture empty()
Returns the empty picture.
public Picture flipHorizontally (Picture p)
Returns a Picture which is the original Picture p flipped around
its middle horizontal axis (from (0.0,0.5) to (1.0,0.5)).
public Picture flipVertically (Picture p)
Returns a Picture which is the original Picture p flipped around
its middle vertical axis (from (0.5,0.0) to (0.5,1.0)).
public Picture flipDiagonally (Picture p)
Returns a Picture which is the original Picture p flipped around
its diagonal axis (from (0.0,0.0) to (1.0,1.0)).
public Picture clockwise90 (Picture p)
Returns a Picture which is the original Picture p rotated 90 degrees
in the clockwise direction.
public Picture clockwise180 (Picture p)
Returns a Picture which is the original Picture p rotated 180 degrees
in the clockwise direction.
public Picture clockwise270 (Picture p)
Returns a Picture which is the original Picture p rotated 270 degrees
in the clockwise direction.
public Picture overlay (Picture p1, Picture p2)
Returns a Picture which is the result of placing Picture p1
on top of Picture p2.
public Picture beside (Picture p1, Picture p2, double fraction)
Returns a Picture which is the result of placing Picture p1 to the
left of Picture p2 where p1 takes up the specified
fraction of the screen. fraction is a decimal number between
0.0 (none of the screen) and 1.0 (the entire screen).
public Picture beside (Picture p1, Picture p2)
Returns a Picture which is the result of placing Picture p1 to the
left of Picture p2 where each Picture takes up half of the screen.
public Picture above (Picture p1, Picture p2, double fraction)
Returns a Picture which is the result of placing Picture p1
above Picture p2 where p1 takes up the specified
fraction of the screen. fraction is a decimal number between
0.0 (none of the screen) and 1.0 (the entire screen).
public Picture above (Picture p1, Picture p2)
Returns a Picture which is the result of placing Picture p1
above Picture p2 where each Picture takes up half of the screen.