public Panel makeLabelPanel (String text) { Panel p = new Panel(); p.add(new Label(text)); return p; } public Panel makeButtonPanel (String text) { Panel p = new Panel(); p.add(new Button(text)); return p; } public Panel makeTextFieldPanel (String text, int cols) { Panel p = new Panel(); p.add(new TextField(text, cols)); return p; } public Panel makeSpacerPanel () { Panel p = new Panel(); p.setBackground(; return p; }Draw the following applet layouts:
Labels in Different Layouts | ||
public void init () { // Label Layout 1 this.add(new Label("one")); this.add(new Label("twotwo")); this.add(new Label("Three's Company")); this.add(new Label("four more!")); this.add(new Label("five")); } | public void init () { // Label Layout 2 this.setLayout(new GridLayout(5,1)); this.add(new Label("one")); this.add(new Label("twotwo", Label.CENTER)); this.add(new Label("Three's Company", Label.LEFT)); this.add(new Label("four more!", Label.RIGHT)); this.add(makeLabelPanel("five")); } | |
public void init () { // Label Layout 3 this.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,3)); this.add(new Label("one")); this.add(makeSpacerPanel()); this.add(new Label("twotwo")); } | public void init () { // Label Layout 4 this.setLayout(new GridLayout(5,1)); this.add(new Label("one")); this.add(new Label("twotwo")); this.add(new Label("Three's Company")); this.add(new Label("four more!")); this.add(new Label("five")); } | |
public void init () { // Label Layout 5 this.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,3)); this.add(makeLabelPanel("one")); this.add(makeSpacerPanel()); this.add(makeLabelPanel("twotwo")); } | public void init () { // Label Layout 6 this.setLayout(new GridLayout(5,1)); this.add(makeLabelPanel("one")); this.add(makeSpacerPanel()); this.add(makeLabelPanel("twotwo")); this.add(makeLabelPanel("Three's Company")); } | |
public void init () { // Label Layout 7 this.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); this.add("North", new Label("North")); this.add("South", new Label("South")); this.add("East", new Label("East")); this.add("West", new Label("West")); this.add("Center", new Label("Center")); } | public void init () { // Label Layout 8 this.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); this.add("North", makeLabelPanel("North")); this.add("South", makeLabelPanel("South")); this.add("East", makeLabelPanel("East")); this.add("West", makeLabelPanel("West")); this.add("Center", makeLabelPanel("Center")); } |
Buttons in Different Layouts | ||
public void init () { // Button Layout 1 this.add(new Button("one")); this.add(new Button("twotwo")); this.add(new Button("Three's Company")); this.add(new Button("four more!")); this.add(new Button("five")); } | ||
public void init () { // Button Layout 2 this.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,3)); this.add(new Button("one")); this.add(makeSpacerPanel()); this.add(makeButtonPanel("twotwo")); } | public void init () { // Button Layout 3 this.setLayout(new GridLayout(5,1)); this.add(new Button("one")); this.add(new Button("twotwo")); this.add(makeSpacerPanel()); this.add(makeButtonPanel("Three's Company")); this.add(makeButtonPanel("four more!")); } | |
public void init () { // Button Layout 4 this.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); this.add("North", new Button("North")); this.add("South", new Button("South")); this.add("East", new Button("East")); this.add("West", new Button("West")); this.add("Center", new Button("Center")); } | public void init () { // Button Layout 5 this.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); this.add("North", makeButtonPanel("North")); this.add("South", makeButtonPanel("South")); this.add("East", makeButtonPanel("East")); this.add("West", makeButtonPanel("West")); this.add("Center", makeButtonPanel("Center")); } |
TextFields in Different Layouts | ||
public void init () { // TextField Layout 1 this.add(new TextField("one",6)); this.add(new TextField("twotwo",4)); this.add(new TextField("Three's Company")); this.add(new TextField("four more!",8)); this.add(new TextField("five",20)); } | ||
public void init () { // TextField Layout 2 this.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,3)); this.add(new TextField("one",6)); this.add(new TextField("twotwo",4)); this.add(new TextField("Three's Company")); } | public void init () { // TextField Layout 3 this.setLayout(new GridLayout(5,1)); this.add(new TextField("one",6)); this.add(new TextField("twotwo",4)); this.add(new TextField("Three's Company")); this.add(makeTextFieldPanel("four more!",8)); this.add(makeTextFieldPanel("five",20)); } | |
public void init () { // TextField Layout 4 this.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); this.add("North", new TextField("North",5)); this.add("South", new TextField("South",10)); this.add("East", new TextField("East",4)); this.add("West", new TextField("West",8)); this.add("Center", new TextField("Center",10)); } | public void init () { // TextField Layout 5 this.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); this.add("North", makeTextFieldPanel("North",5)); this.add("South", makeTextFieldPanel("South",10)); this.add("East", makeTextFieldPanel("East",4)); this.add("West", makeTextFieldPanel("West",8)); this.add("Center", makeTextFieldPanel("Center",10)); } |
import java.awt.*; // use graphics import java.applet.*; // make applet public class GUIMystery extends Applet { int rows = 4; int cols = 3; int currentRow = 1; int currentCol = 1; int maxVisits = 3; TextField rowField = new TextField(3); TextField colField = new TextField(3); TextField scoreField = new TextField("0",3); TextField currentTextField; TextField [] textfields = new TextField[rows*cols]; public void init () { this.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); this.add("North", makeStatusPanel()); this.add("South", makeControlPanel()); this.add("Center", makeTextFieldsPanel()); } public Panel makeStatusPanel () { Panel p = new Panel(); p.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,1)); p.add(new Label("Visit as many places till you are stopped!")); p.add(makePositionPanel()); p.add(makeScorePanel()); return p; } public Panel makePositionPanel () { Panel p = new Panel(); p.add(new Label("POSITION")); p.add(rowField); p.add(colField); return p; } public Panel makeScorePanel () { Panel p = new Panel(); p.add(new Label("SCORE")); p.add(scoreField); p.add(new Button("Reset")); return p; } public Panel makeControlPanel() { Panel p = new Panel(); p.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,1)); p.add(makeButtonPanel("UP")); p.add(makeLeftRightPanel()); p.add(makeButtonPanel("DOWN")); return p; } public Panel makeButtonPanel (String text) { Panel p = new Panel(); p.add(new Button(text)); return p; } public Panel makeLeftRightPanel () { Panel p = new Panel(); p.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,2)); p.add(new Button("Left")); p.add(new Button("Right")); return p; } public Panel makeTextFieldsPanel () { Panel p = new Panel(); p.setLayout(new GridLayout(rows,cols)); for (int i=0; i < rows; i++) { for (int j=0; j < cols; j++) { TextField tf = new TextField(Integer.toString(maxVisits),2); textfields[(i*cols)+j] = tf; p.add(makeTextFieldPanel(tf)); } } updateTextFields(); return p; } public Panel makeTextFieldPanel (TextField tf) { Panel p = new Panel(); p.add(tf); return p; } public boolean action (Event evt, Object arg) { if (arg.equals("Reset")) { resetAction(); } else if (arg.equals("UP")) { moveUpAction(); } else if (arg.equals("Left")) { moveLeftAction(); } else if (arg.equals("Right")) { moveRightAction(); } else if (arg.equals("DOWN")) { moveDownAction(); } else { return super.action(evt,arg); } return true; } public void resetAction () { currentRow = 1; currentCol = 1; scoreField.setText("0"); for (int i=0; i < textfields.length; i++) { textfields[i].setText(Integer.toString(maxVisits)); } updateTextFields(); } public void moveUpAction () { if (!(currentTextField.getText().equals("0") || (currentRow == 1))) { currentRow--; updateTextFields(); } } public void moveDownAction () { if (!currentTextField.getText().equals("0")) { if (currentRow==rows) { currentRow = 1; } else { currentRow++; } updateTextFields(); } } public void moveLeftAction () { if (!currentTextField.getText().equals("0")) { if (currentCol==1) { currentCol = cols; } else { currentCol--; } updateTextFields(); } } public void moveRightAction () { if (!(currentTextField.getText().equals("0") || (currentCol == cols))) { currentCol++; updateTextFields(); } } public void updateTextFields () { rowField.setText(Integer.toString(currentRow)); colField.setText(Integer.toString(currentCol)); int tempScore = Integer.parseInt(scoreField.getText()); tempScore++; scoreField.setText(Integer.toString(tempScore)); currentTextField = textfields[((currentRow-1)*cols)+(currentCol-1)]; int tempVisits = Integer.parseInt(currentTextField.getText()); tempVisits--; currentTextField.setText(Integer.toString(tempVisits)); } }Task 1 Draw the initial state of the applet.
Task 2 Draw the state of the applet after pressing the following sequence of buttons:
"DOWN", "DOWN", "Left", "UP", "Right", "Left", "Left".
which will switch the contents of two slots in the array. So, if we have an integer array
a1=[1,2,3,4] and we do switch(a1,0,2)
then a1=[3,2,1,4].
Flesh out the skeleton for the switch
method below.
public static void switch (int[] a, int slot1, int slot2);
Does not modify a if either slot1 or slot2 is invalid. Otherwise, modifies a so that the contents of slot1 are in slot2 and vice versa. Note that no new arrays are created by this method.
Task 2 We can write a version of the switch
method called
which returns a new array which is the result of switching
the two elements of the original array, but does not modify the original array. For example,
if we have a1 from above and we do int [] a2 = copySwitch(a1,0,2)
a1=[1,2,3,4] (unchanged) and a2=[3,2,1,4]. Flesh out the skeleton for the
method below.
public static int [] copySwitch (int[] a, int slot1, int slot2);
Returns a copy of a if either slot1 or slot2 is invalid. Otherwise, returns a copy of a with the contents of slot1 in slot2 and vice versa.
method which returns to
us an array with two elements, each element is one of the answers above.
public static int[][] palindromeArray (int[] a);
Returns an array with the two possible palindromes. Each palindrome created from the integer array is represented by an integer array. Auxiliary methods are not needed and your solution should create the fewest number of arrays necessary to get the job done. The original array a should not be modified.
which specifies the
iteration in four state variables named seq1, seq2, ans1, ans2:
Task 1 Suppose that IntList A has the printed representation [1,2,3,4]. Fill in the following table to show the parameters passed to successive calls topublic static IntList [] palindromeList (IntList L) { IntList reverseL = ILO.reverse(L); return palindromeListTail(tail(L),tail(reverseL),L,reverseL); } public static IntList [] palindromeListTail (IntList seq1, IntList seq2, IntList ans1, IntList ans2) { if (IL.isEmpty(seq1)) { return twoLists(ans1,ans2); } else { palindromeListTail(IL.tail(seq1),IL.tail(seq2), IL.prepend(head(seq1), ans1), IL.prepend(head(seq2), ans2)); } } // Auxiliary method used by palindromeList public static IntList [] twoLists (IntList L1, IntList L2) { IntList [] result = new IntList[2]; result[0] = L1; result[1] = L2; return result; }
in the computation that begins with the
invocation palindromeList(A)
. You have been provided with more rows
than you need so some rows should remain empty when you are done.
seq1 | seq2 | ans1 | ans2 |
Task 2 It is possible to express any iteration as a while
Flesh out the following code skeleton of an palindromeListWhile()
that behaves just like the above palindromeList()
method except that it
uses a while
loop rather than tail recursion to express the iteration
of palindromeListTail()
. Your palindromeListWhile
should not
call any auxiliary methods other than twoLists()
and the IntList
contract and ILO.reverse.
public static IntList [] palindromeListWhile (IntList L);
class is as follows:
contractpublic Student (int iRating, int dRating, double gpa);
Creates a new Student with the given intelligence rating, diligence rating, and gpa.
public int getIntelligence ();
Returns the intelligence rating (1-10).
public int getDiligence ();
Returns the diligence rating (1-10).
public double getGPA ();
Returns the gpa (0.0-4.0).
public Point getIDRating ();
Returns a Point with intelligence rating as x-coordinate and diligence rating as y-coordinate.
public void setIntelligence (int i);
Sets the intelligence rating.
public void setDiligence (int d);
Sets the diligence rating.
public void setGPA (double gpa);
Sets the gpa.
public void setIDRating (Point idRating);
Sets the intelligence and diligence ratings.
public int getTotalRating ();
Returns a total rating which is three times the sum of the intelligence and diligence ratings plus ten times the gpa.
public boolean isPassing ();
Returns true if gpa is greater or equal to 2.0.
public boolean isHardWorking ();
Returns true if the sum of the intelligence and diligence ratings is greater than or equal to ten and the gpa is greater than or equal to the intelligence rating times 0.4.
Task 1 Consider the followingpublic class Student { private Point idRating; // intelligence, diligence rating private double gpa; public Student (int iRating, int dRating, double gpa) { this.idRating = new Point(iRating, dRating); this.gpa = gpa; } public int getIntelligence () { return idRating.x; } public int getDiligence () { return idRating.y; } public double getGPA () { return this.gpa; } public Point getIDRating () { return idRating; } public void setIntelligence (int i) { this.idRating.x = i; } public void setDiligence (int d) { this.idRating.y = d; } public void setGPA (double gpa) { this.gpa = gpa; } public void setIDRating (Point idRating) { this.idRating = idRating; } public int getTotalRating () { return (int) 3*(this.idRating.x+this.idRating.y) + gpa*10; } public boolean isPassing () { return this.gpa >= 2.0; } public boolean isHardWorking () { return ((this.idRating.x+this.idRating.y) >= 10) && (this.gpa >= (this.idRating.x*0.4)); } }
Draw one execution frame for the execution ofpublic class TestStudents { public static void test() { Students [] class1 = new Students[4]; Student barb = new Student(7,3,3.5); class1[0] = barb; class1[1] = new Student(2,8,1.8); class1[3] = new Student(6,6,2.6); barb.setDiligence(class[3].getDiligence()); class1[3].setIDRating(class[0].getIDRating()); class1[1].setGPA(3.0); double barbRating = barb.getTotalRating(); boolean allPass = class1[0].isPassing() && class[1].isPassing() && class[3].isPassing(); boolean hasHardWorker = class1[0].isHardWorking() || class1[1].isHardWorking() || class1[2].isHardWorking(); } }
Do not draw any other execution frames. Draw object diagrams for all objects
created by the execution of TestStudents.test()
Task 2 Students can also be represented by an array of three integers
which hold the intelligence rating, the diligence rating, and 10 times the gpa
(assume gpas are calculated to 1 decimal place only). Write a version of the
class using this representation which fulfills the entire
Task 3 Students can also be represented by three integer instance variables
which hold the sum of the intelligence and diligence ratings, the difference between
the intelligence and diligence ratings (i.e. intelligence-diligence), and the
total rating of the student as specified by the contract. Write a version of the
class using this representation which fulfills the entire