Something Fishy Voting Page

Welcome to the voting page for the CS111 Something Fishy logo design contest. You are asked to evaluate logos along three dimensions:
  1. Technical Excellence High marks go to logos that use Java graphics to achieve detailed or realistic visual effects.
  2. Creativity High marks go to logos that catch your attention, especially those that use visual effects in an interesting or unusual way.
  3. Humor High marks go to logos that make you smile or laugh.

In each dimension, you are asked to give a logo one of the following ratings:

Because there are so many logos, we have partitioned them into three pages of roughly equal size by student first name (see the end of this page). To vote, pick a partition (as described below), visit the page for the partition, cast your votes, and hit the Submit button at the top or bottom of the page.

You may vote in one, two or all three partitions. However, in order to prevent the voting from being lopsided (i.e., everyone only votes in the A--E partition) we ask you to observe the following conventions for choosing a partition: determine the partition to which your name belongs and start voting with the following partition. So if your name begins with "A", you should start voting with the "F--J" partition; if your name begins with "J", you should start voting with the "K--Z" partition; and if your name begins with "S", you should start voting with the "A--Z" partition. If you wish to vote a second partition, choose the one following the one you have already voted. If you wish to vote a third partition, choose the one to which your name belongs. You should vote a given partition no more than once!

All votes must be cast by 11:59pm on Wednesday, December 10

Select a partition below: