CS111 Lab 4 Answers

GoHomeWorld.java debugged

import java.awt.*;

/* CS111 Lab 3 Buggy code file for GoHomeWorld
 * Based on WallHuggerWorld from lecture
 * Solutions:  changes necessary for compilation are
 *             included in comments in code below.
public class GoHomeWorldSoln extends BuggleWorld 
     public void run () 
          GoHomeBuggle bubba = new GoHomeBuggle(); // bubba is now a GoHomeBuggle
          bubba.setPosition(new Point(7, 6));  // inserted the word 'new'

} // need this curly brace to close the GoHomeWorld class

class GoHomeBuggle extends TickBuggle 
     public void followWall() 
        if (isFacingWall()) {
          } else {
     } // This curly brace to close the followWall() method was missing
     public void tick() 
          if (!((getPosition().x==1) && (getPosition().y==1))){
            /* Many changes made to this boolean epxression:
             * 1) Another set of parentheses were    
             * wrapped around the boolean expression.  
             * When using if statements, the boolean expression
             * should be contained within parentheses.
             * 2) The = was changed to == for comparison.
             * A single = means "gets" or assignment.
             * A double == means comparison.
             * 3) The ampersand should be double &&.
             * It actually compiles and works with a single &,
             * but for boolean expressions, the && is the one
             * to use.  The single & is also known as the
             * "bit-wise AND" operator for integers -- something
             * we won't use in cs111.  The bottom line is that
             * && is the conditional operator, it needs both
             * operands to be boolean and returns a boolean result.
              followWall();  // used to be followwall;
              //  followWall() is a method, so it needs () and the
              // correct capitalization
     }  // need this curly brace to close the tick() method

}  // need this curly brace to close the GoHomeBuggle class

Exercise A Gentle Introduction to Quilting







Task 2




             above(empty(), flipVertically(triangle(Color.green)))));

Exercise Quilting fourColors

Taking a look at the picture, we try to look for patterns. In particular, it is useful to be on the lookout for the following patterns which are available to us through our contract.








triangles(Color1, Color2)





Dividing the problem -- fourColors

Looking at the fourColors pattern, we see that we can divide it into four quarters like so:







We notice that the four quarters look like the same pattern but the pattern is rotated clockwise 90 degrees as we go from quadrant to quadrant in a clockwise manner. Let's call the basic pattern (in the top right corner) a fourColorQuadrant. We pick that pattern to be the basic pattern so that we can use the rotations method that is given to us. The entire fourColors pattern can now be described by the following bit of pseudocode
pseudocode: fourColors = rotations(fourColorQuadrant)
But wait! That won't quite work because the four quarters are not exactly the same. The pattern is the same, but the colors are different. So, we can't use the rotations method which will only take one pattern and rotate it around for us. Instead, we'll have to rotate the patterns ourself. Here's our revised pseudocode
pseudocode: fourColors = fourPics(clockwise270(fourColorQuadrant(3 colors)),
  fourColorQuadrant(another 3 colors),
  clockwise180(fourColorQuadrant(yet another 3 colors)),
  clockwise90(fourColorQuadrant(some other 3 colors)))

We have now divided the big problem fourColors into solving a smaller subproblem fourColorQuadrant. The pseudocode above tells us how to glue the subproblem solution together to form the solution to the original problem.

Dividing the problem -- fourColorQuadrant

Now we need to figure out how to create a fourColorQuadrant. Since it's not entirely obvious, we again apply the Divide, Conquer, and Glue strategy. Taking a look at the fourColorQuadrant, we notice that we can also divide that into four quarters like so:







We see that we have a red patch in the top right quadrant and two distinct color patterns. Let's call them pattern1 and pattern2 like so:



We notice that the top left quadrant and the bottom right quadrant are both instances of pattern1. Their relationship can be expressed as follows:

Take this and rotate it 90 degrees clockwise to get

We'll have to keep in mind that although the pattern is the same, the colors used in the two quadrants are different. Now we can write the following bit of pseudocode
pseudocode: fourColorQuadrant = fourPics(clockwise90(pattern1(2 colors)), redPatch,
  pattern2(3 colors), pattern1(another 2 colors))

We have now divided the big problem fourColorQuadrant into one basic building block redPatch and two smaller subproblems pattern1 and pattern2. The pseudocode above tells us how to glue the subproblem solutions together to form the solution to the original problem.

Dividing the problem -- pattern1

Now we need to figure out how to create a pattern1. We can again divide this pattern into quadrants like so:







Now everything is a basic building block. We have two green patches in the upper quadrants and two yellow green triangles in the bottom quadrants. The relationship between the two yellow green triangles can be expressed in multiple ways as follows:

Take this and

flip it vertically

to get

rotate it 270 degrees clockwise

You could also create the bottom left corner by starting with a green yellow triangle instead like so:

Take this and rotate it 90 degrees clockwise to get

Now we can write the following bit of pseudocode
pseudocode: pattern1 = fourPics(greenPatch, greenPatch, flipVertically(yellowGreenTriangles), yellowGreenTriangles)
We have now divided the big problem pattern1 into basic building blocks so now we can conquer this problem!

Conquering the problem -- pattern1

Now we need to write the actual code to create the pattern1. We should write the code so that we can generate this pattern in any two colors. To do this, let's first decide how to label our colors. Why don't we do the following:

c1 will be the color that fills the bottom triangles
c2 will be the other color which fills most of the pattern

Here's our code for the pattern1 method which will return the pattern1 Picture:

public Picture pattern1 (Color c1, Color c2) {
  Picture c1c2Triangles = triangles(c1, c2);   // create triangles of Colors c1 and c2
  Picture c2Patch = patch(c2);   // create a patch of Color c2
  return fourPics(c2Patch, c2Patch, flipVertically(c1c2Triangles), c1c2Triangles);

Dividing the problem -- pattern2

Now we need to figure out how to create a pattern2. We can again divide this pattern into quadrants like so:







Now everything is a basic building block. We have a green patch in the top right quadrant and three different colored triangles in the other quadrants. The top left quadrant has a blue green triangle. The bottom right quadrant has a yellow green triangle. We can create the bottom left quadrant out of blue yellow or yellow blue triangles like so:

Take this and rotate it 90 degrees clockwise to get

Take this and rotate it 270 degrees clockwise to get

Now we can write the following bit of pseudocode
pseudocode: pattern2 = fourPics(blueGreenTriangles, greenPatch,
  clockwise90(blueYellowTriangles), yellowGreenTriangles)

We have now divided the big problem pattern2 into basic building blocks so now we can conquer this problem!

Conquering the problem -- pattern2

Now we need to write the actual code to create the pattern2. We should write the code so that we can generate this pattern in any three colors. To do this, let's first decide how to label our colors. Why don't we do the following:

c1 will be the color that fills the triangles on the left
c2 will be the color that fills the triangles on the bottom
c3 will be the color that fills the rest of the pattern

Here's our code for the pattern2 method which will return the pattern2 Picture:

public Picture pattern2 (Color c1, Color c2, Color c3) {
  Picture c1c3Triangles = triangles(c1, c3);  // for top left quadrant
  Picture c3Patch = patch(c3);                // for top right quadrant
  Picture c1c2Triangles = triangles(c1, c2);  // for bottom left quadrant
  Picture c2c3Triangles = triangles(c2, c3);  // for bottom right quadrant
  return fourPics(c1c3Triangles, c3Patch, clockwise90(c1c2Triangles), c2c3Triangles);

Conquering the problem -- fourColorQuadrant

Now that we have solutions for pattern1 and pattern2, we can write up our solution for fourColorQuadrant.
First, though, we need to decide how to label our colors. Let's agree on the following:

c1 will be the color that fills the triangles on the left
c2 will be the color that fills the triangles on the bottom
c3 will be the color that fills the center of the pattern
c4 will be the color that fills the top right quadrant

Here's our code for fourColorQuadrant

public Picture fourColorQuadrant (Color c1, Color c2, Color c3, Color c4) {
  Picture pattern1Top = pattern1(c1, c3);    // for top left quadrant
  Picture c4Patch = patch(c4);               // for top right quadrant
  Picture pattern2 = pattern2(c1, c2, c3);   // for bottom left quadrant
  Picture pattern1Bottom = pattern1(c2, c3); // for bottom right quadrant
  return fourPics(clockwise90(pattern1Top), c4Patch,
                  pattern2, pattern1Bottom);

Conquering the problem -- fourColors

Now that we have a solution for fourColorQuadrant, we can write up our solution for fourColors.
First, though, we need to label our colors. Let's do it like so:

Now, here's our code for fourColors

public Picture fourColors (Color c1, Color c2, Color c3, Color c4) {
  return fourPics(clockwise270(fourColorQuadrant(c4,c1,c2,c3)), // top left
                  fourColorQuadrant(c1,c2,c3,c4),               // top right
                  clockwise180(fourColorQuadrant(c3,c4,c1,c2)), // bottom left
                  clockwise90(fourColorQuadrant(c2,c3,c4,c1))); // bottom right

Using our solutions

To actually see our solutions we need to add picture choices to our applet. Add the following code to the initializePictureChoices method to see the solution to the main problem and all the subproblems that we solved.

// see the colors
addPictureChoice("fourColors", fourColors(Color.blue, Color.yellow, Color.green, Color.red));

// see the fourColorQuadrant
addPictureChoice("fourColorQuadrant", fourColorQuadrant(Color.blue, Color.yellow, Color.green, Color.red));

// see the pattern1
addPictureChoice("pattern1", pattern1(Color.yellow, Color.green));

// see the pattern2
addPictureChoice("pattern2", pattern2(Color.blue, Color.yellow, Color.green));