CS111 Lab Recursion Programming Problems


In InvertedTrianglesWorld, InvertedTriangleTurtles draw patterns of inverted equilateral triangles. We can specify the initial size of the triangle (ie the length of one side) and the number of triangles to draw. When we create an InvertedTriangleTurtle tina, she starts at a specific place with her pen down and facing the right. If we ask her to draw fewer than one triangle, she does nothing. The first triangle she draws has its left bottom corner where she starts. Regardless of the number of triangles she draws, tina stands in her initial position facing her initial direction when she is finished. The following pictures illustrate the result from asking tina to draw different numbers of triangles.

tina.invertTriangles(256, 1);

tina.invertTriangles(256, 2);

tina.invertTriangles(256, 3);

tina.invertTriangles(256, 4);

Our task is to fill in the code for the invertTriangles method in the InvertedTriangleTurtle class. The following skeleton is provided for us.

public void invertTriangles (double size, int number) {
  System.out.println("invertTriangles("+size+", "+number+");");
  // add your code here

We may also want to define auxiliary methods in the InvertedTriangleTurtle class. We should not need to modify the InvertedTrianglesWorld class in order for our code to work. However, we may modify it during testing.