Lab 12, Part 3: File traversal treasure hunt


In lab12/random there's a bunch of random folders with cryptic, one-letter names, nested several levels deep.

As you can see, some of the folders contain a text file.

Most of these text files contain the string not in here:

Some of these text files contains the string treasure!:

Your job is to write a function that “finds the treasure”; i.e. the file(s) that contain the string treasure!.

Task 1.

In lab12/ you will complete the function findTheTreasure.

Before starting, read through all the instructions and hints below.

Your findTheTreasure function should recursively traverse all the folders/files in the given directory and when it encounters a file that contains the string treasure! it should print something like the following:

If there was only 1 “treasure”:

Found treasure in random/v/x/e/t/w.txt

If there were multiple “treasures”:

Found treasure in random/v/x/e/t/w.txt
Found treasure in random/b/f/e/n/e.txt
Found treasure in random/g/c/x/w/r.txt

(These are just examples, they are not the actual answer(s) you're looking for)

Hint 1

In Lecture 22, Slide 15 File Tree Traversal, you saw the function printFileTreeBetter:

def printFileTreeBetter(root):
    if os.path.isfile(root):
    elif os.path.isdir(root):
        for fileOrDir in os.listdir(root):
            printFileTreeBetter(os.path.join(root, fileOrDir))

This function can act as a starting point for this task as it shows how to recursively iterate through a directory.

Hint 2

When your function encounters a file, it needs to open it and see if it contains the treasure.

Refer to Lecture Files, Slides 6-8 which cover three different ways to read the contents of a file.

Check your results

You can confirm the accuracy of your results by opening the file(s) your function reports and confirming those file do in fact contain the string treasure!.

Once you're confident your function is producing the correct answer, you can also check it against the solution which you can see by clicking here.

Check again with the pirates folder

Run your code on the pirates folder, which has several subfolders with various files. Your program should find the files that contain treasure. Click here to see pirates treasure.

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