This task is part of project08 which is due at 23:00 EDT on 2025-04-01.
You have the option to work with a partner on this task if you wish. Working with a partner requires more work to coordinate schedules, but if you work together and make sure that you are both understanding the code you write, you will make progress faster and learn more.
You can download the starter code for this task using this link.
You can submit this task using this link.
Put all of your work for this task into the file
(which is provided among the starter files)
This project is very similar the shapeSorter
task which uses turtle
to draw pictures instead of
to generate audio. You only have to do one of the two.
In this task you will define a number of short functions divided into several groups, to help you practice using list comprehensions and sorting:
Almost all of these functions can be written in just one or two lines of code. We have provided a few helper functions that you will need for several of your functions:
which can compute the pitch of the last note in
a sequence of notes if the sequence starts at C4
and uses the
specified interval between notes, number of notes, and direction
for up or False
for down). fit a polygon inside it.pitchSpanFromC4
which can compute the ratio between the highest and
lowest notes of a note sequence using a specific interval, number of
notes, and direction (again assuming it starts at C4
which can add notes for a custom measure to the
current track.tuneTest
which will use many of your functions together to create a
complex track (we have also provided a
for local testing).As usual, each function you write must be documented.
A key concept in this project is a specification: a tuple of values
that specify the arguments for a function. The function in this case is
, which has three parameters: the interval between notes,
the number of notes, and whether the notes increase (True
) or decrease
) in pitch. Each specification that we use will be a tuple
with 3 elements holding the interval, notes, and direction. For example,
the tuple:
(1, 3, False)
specifies that a sequence of 3 notes should be created, each one scale
rung below the last (they'd be going up if the last value had been
instead). If we have a specification stored in a variable, we
can use indexing or unpacking to access the individual parts, like so:
spec = (1, 3, True)
# Indexing to get parts of tuple:
interval = spec[0]
noteCount = spec[1]
goingUp = spec[2]
# Unpacking to get parts of tuple:
interval, noteCount, goingUp = spec
When the time comes to actually call customMeasure
using a
specification, we will need to unpack it so that we can provide each
argument to customMeasure
one at a time. If we have individual
variables and want to create a specification, we can just use
parentheses and commas, like so:
myDirection = True
myInterval = 2
myNotes = 4
mySpec = (myInterval, myNotes, myDirection) # order is important here
Most functions in this assignment will deal with specifications one way or another.
For each list-building function, you will define a function that takes a few parameters and builds and returns a list of specification tuples (see above) using a list comprehension:
takes a list of
note counts and makes
specifications that each use an interval of 1 and a direction of
(going up), and then the number of notes is one item from the
note counts list. The resulting list of
specifications will have the
same length as the counts list it's given.makeTriplesList
takes a single direction boolean and a list of
intervals and returns a
specifications list that uses 3 notes and the specified direction
for each entry, with one of the interval values from the intervals
list. This means that the number of
specifications will match the number of intervals provided.makeListWithDirections
takes a list of partial specifications which
are pairs containing an interval and a number of notes, along with a
single direction boolean as its second
argument. It must
return a specifications list where each entry uses the interval
and notes count from one of the partial specifications and then
includes the common direction as the third
takes three lists: one of intervals, another of
note counts, and a third of direction
booleans. It can assume that
each list will have the same length, but it needs to use
with a list comprehension to zip all three lists together into a
single specifications list, where
each entry takes an interval, a note count, and a direction from the
same position in all three input lists.As usual, refer to the examples section for concrete examples of how these functions should work.
For each list-filtering function, you will define a function that takes a few parameters and returns a new list of specification tuples (see above) based on filtering out some of the provided specifications using a list comprehension :
just takes a specifications
list and returns a new
list that includes only specifications with an odd number-of-notes
takes a specifications list and a direction
boolean and returns a
new list including only specifications that use the required
takes a specifications list and a pitch
value and returns a new
list including only specifications whose highest note is at or above
that pitch target when starting from pitch
C4. It must
in order to figure that out, and it should do so inside its list
comprehension.As you know, in order to do any custom sorting we need to define a key function that will take in one element being sorted and return a "key" object that determines how that element will get sorted (the rest of the sorting process is automatic).
For example, if our key function was the following:
def characterKey(character):
if character == 'C':
return 1
elif character == 'S':
return 2
elif character == '1':
return 100
then if we called .sort
using that function like this:
letters = ['1', 'C', '1', 'S', '1']
We'd see the following output:
['C', 'S', '1', '1', '1']
That's because Python orders the key values from lowest to highest,
and then arranges the original items based on where their key values
end up. Since our characterKey
function returns the number 1 as the
key for the letter 'C', and that's smaller than the keys for the other
letters we use, that letter ends up first in the result, etc.
As an additional reminder, to break ties when sorting, if the key value is a tuple or some other kind of sequence (including a string), Python tries to sort using just the first element of the sequence, then breaks ties based on the ordering of the second elements of each key, then breaks double-ties based on the third elements, and so on. So you can use tuples as the return value from a key function to specify both primary sort order (using first element of the tuple) and secondary sort orders in case of ties (using subsequent elements).
For the next part, you'll define the key functions that we'll use to sort with:
takes a single specification
tuple (see
above) and returns a tuple containing first the direction
boolean and then the number of
notes. Because this is a
common point of confusion, remember that getDirectionAndNotes
NOT need to use a
loop because it
only needs to process a single specification, and it will get
applied to a list of specifications automatically during the
sorting process.getPitchSpanIntervalAndNotes
takes a single specification
tuple and
returns a tuple containing first the ratio between the top and
bottom pitch of the measure when based at C4, then the interval
value, and finally the number of notes in the
measure. It must call
the provided
function and as with getDirectionAndNotes
it does NOT need to use
a loop.Now that you have helper functions ready, you'll define some sorting
functions which can be used to re-order specification lists. These
functions will NOT return anything because they will directly
re-arrange the specifications list they are
. Each of these functions
must call the .sort
, and they
may not use any loops
(which aren't necessary).
takes two parameters: a list of specifications and a
indicating whether to sort in ascending or descending
order. It sorts the
specifications by their natural
order without using a key
function, sorting by interval value, breaking ties by number of
notes, and breaking double-ties by direction boolean.sortByDirection
just takes a specifications
list and sorts it by
direction boolean (with False before True by default), breaking ties
by the number of notes. It will
use the getDirectionAndNotes
function you defined earlier.sortBySpan
just takes a specifications
list and sorts it by pitch span,,
breaking ties by side length and then number of
sides. It will use the
function you defined earlier.For the final part of this project, you have to implement a
function which takes a specifications list, a
starting pitch, and a start
time and adds notes for each
specified measure one after the other starting from the given start
pitch & starting at the given start
The whole process starts at the given pitch and starting time within the
track, but you won't modify pitches or times between calls to
: just let the pitch changes from one measure dictate the
starting pitch of the next so that they flow together.
must do the following:
doesn't need to, this is just a reminder of that).setPitch
once to
establish the starting pitch.setTime
once to
establish the starting time.customMeasure
to actually add notes; it does NOT need to use addNote
These examples show what makeRunsList
should return.
In []:Out[]:makeRunsList([4, 2, 3])
In []:[(1, 4, True), (1, 2, True), (1, 3, True)]
Out[]:makeRunsList([1, 1, 2, 3])
In []:[(1, 1, True), (1, 1, True), (1, 2, True), (1, 3, True)]
Out[]:makeRunsList([8, 9, 10])
[(1, 8, True), (1, 9, True), (1, 10, True)]
These examples show what makeTriplesList
should return.
In []:Out[]:makeTriplesList(True, [2, 1, 3])
In []:[(2, 3, True), (1, 3, True), (3, 3, True)]
Out[]:makeTriplesList(False, [4])
In []:[(4, 3, False)]
Out[]:makeTriplesList(True, [2, 2, 4, 2])
[(2, 3, True), (2, 3, True), (4, 3, True), (2, 3, True)]
These examples show what makeListWithDirections
should return.
In []:Out[]:makeListWithDirections([(8, 1), (6, 2), (4, 3)], True)
In []:[(8, 1, True), (6, 2, True), (4, 3, True)]
Out[]:makeListWithDirections([(3, 5), (3, 4), (4, 4)], False)
In []:[(3, 5, False), (3, 4, False), (4, 4, False)]
Out[]:makeListWithDirections([(5, 2), (1, 3), (7, 2), (5, 3)], True)
[(5, 2, True), (1, 3, True), (7, 2, True), (5, 3, True)]
These examples show what makeMeasuresList
should return.
In []:Out[]:makeMeasuresList([1, 2, 4], [8, 6, 3], [False, False, True])
In []:[(1, 8, False), (2, 6, False), (4, 3, True)]
Out[]:makeMeasuresList( [3, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4], [4, 6, 8, 6, 4, 5, 5], [False, False, True, True, False, True, False] )
In []:[ (3, 4, False), (1, 6, False), (2, 8, True), (3, 6, True), (2, 4, False), (3, 5, True), (4, 5, False), ]
Out[]:makeMeasuresList([4], [1], [False])
[(4, 1, False)]
These examples show what oddNotesMeasures
should return.
In []:Out[]:oddNotesMeasures( [(1, 3, True), (1, 4, True), (1, 5, False), (1, 2, False), (1, 6, True)] )
In []:[(1, 3, True), (1, 5, False)]
Out[]:oddNotesMeasures( [ (1, 3, True), (3, 3, True), (2, 3, False), (5, 3, True), (4, 3, False), (6, 3, True), ] )
In []:[ (1, 3, True), (3, 3, True), (2, 3, False), (5, 3, True), (4, 3, False), (6, 3, True), ]
Out[]:oddNotesMeasures( [ (3, 3, True), (1, 4, False), (5, 3, False), (1, 6, True), (2, 5, False), (3, 4, True), (5, 1, True), ] )
[(3, 3, True), (5, 3, False), (2, 5, False), (5, 1, True)]
These examples show what measuresInDirection
should return.
In []:Out[]:measuresInDirection( [(1, 3, True), (1, 4, True), (1, 5, False), (1, 2, False), (1, 6, True)], True )
In []:[(1, 3, True), (1, 4, True), (1, 6, True)]
Out[]:measuresInDirection( [(1, 3, True), (1, 4, True), (1, 5, False), (1, 2, False), (1, 6, True)], False )
In []:[(1, 5, False), (1, 2, False)]
Out[]:measuresInDirection( [ (1, 3, True), (3, 3, True), (2, 3, False), (5, 3, True), (4, 3, False), (6, 3, True), ], True )
[(1, 3, True), (3, 3, True), (5, 3, True), (6, 3, True)]
These examples show what measuresThatReach
should return.
In []:Out[]:measuresThatReach( [(1, 3, True), (1, 4, True), (1, 5, False), (1, 2, False), (1, 6, True)], 293.672 )
In []:[(1, 3, True), (1, 4, True), (1, 6, True)]
Out[]:measuresThatReach( [(1, 3, True), (1, 4, True), (1, 5, False), (1, 2, False), (1, 6, True)], 392.0051 )
In []:[(1, 4, True), (1, 6, True)]
Out[]:measuresThatReach( [(1, 3, True), (1, 4, True), (1, 5, False), (1, 2, False), (1, 6, True)], 1046.528 )
These examples show what getDirectionAndNotes
should return.
In []:Out[]:getDirectionAndNotes((1, 3, True))
In []:(True, 3)
Out[]:getDirectionAndNotes((1, 4, True))
In []:(True, 4)
Out[]:getDirectionAndNotes((3, 3, True))
(True, 3)
These examples show what getPitchSpanIntervalAndNotes
should return.
In []:Out[]:getPitchSpanIntervalAndNotes((1, 3, True))
In []:(1.498307076876685, 1, 3)
Out[]:getPitchSpanIntervalAndNotes((5, 3, True))
In []:(8.000000000000028, 5, 3)
Out[]:getPitchSpanIntervalAndNotes((5, 3, False))
(7.9999999999999964, 5, 3)
These examples show what notes should added when addMeasureSequence
is f called.
In []:Audio In []:addMeasureSequence( [(1, 3, True), (1, 4, True), (1, 5, False), (1, 2, False), (1, 6, True)], 261.632, 0 )
Audio In []:addMeasureSequence( [ (1, 3, True), (3, 3, True), (2, 3, False), (5, 3, True), (4, 3, False), (6, 3, True), ], 329.6357, 0 )
AudioaddMeasureSequence( [ (3, 3, True), (1, 4, False), (5, 3, False), (1, 6, True), (2, 5, False), (3, 4, True), (5, 1, True), ], 880.0216, 0.5 )
These examples show how the order of the target list should be modified when calling sortByInterval
. Remember that sortByInterval
is NOT supposed to use return
but should instead modify the order of the list it's given using the .sort
method. The prints here are part of our testing setup; your sortByInterval
function does NOT need to print anything.
In []:Printsspecifications = [(1, 3, True), (1, 4, True), (1, 5, False), (1, 2, False), (1, 6, True)] print("Before sorting we have:") print(specifications) returned = sortByInterval(specifications, True) if returned != None: print('Oops, the sorting function had a return value!') print("After sorting we get:") print(specifications)
Before sorting we have: [(1, 3, True), (1, 4, True), (1, 5, False), (1, 2, False), (1, 6, True)] After sorting we get: [(1, 2, False), (1, 3, True), (1, 4, True), (1, 5, False), (1, 6, True)]In []:Printsspecifications = [(1, 3, True), (1, 4, True), (1, 5, False), (1, 2, False), (1, 6, True)] print("Before sorting we have:") print(specifications) returned = sortByInterval(specifications, False) if returned != None: print('Oops, the sorting function had a return value!') print("After sorting we get:") print(specifications)
Before sorting we have: [(1, 3, True), (1, 4, True), (1, 5, False), (1, 2, False), (1, 6, True)] After sorting we get: [(1, 6, True), (1, 5, False), (1, 4, True), (1, 3, True), (1, 2, False)]In []:Printsspecifications = [(1, 3, True), (3, 3, True), (2, 3, False), (5, 3, True), (4, 3, False), (6, 3, True)] print("Before sorting we have:") print(specifications) returned = sortByInterval(specifications, True) if returned != None: print('Oops, the sorting function had a return value!') print("After sorting we get:") print(specifications)
Before sorting we have: [(1, 3, True), (3, 3, True), (2, 3, False), (5, 3, True), (4, 3, False), (6, 3, True)] After sorting we get: [(1, 3, True), (2, 3, False), (3, 3, True), (4, 3, False), (5, 3, True), (6, 3, True)]In []:Printsspecifications = [(1, 3, True), (3, 3, True), (2, 3, False), (5, 3, True), (4, 3, False), (6, 3, True)] print("Before sorting we have:") print(specifications) returned = sortByInterval(specifications, False) if returned != None: print('Oops, the sorting function had a return value!') print("After sorting we get:") print(specifications)
Before sorting we have: [(1, 3, True), (3, 3, True), (2, 3, False), (5, 3, True), (4, 3, False), (6, 3, True)] After sorting we get: [(6, 3, True), (5, 3, True), (4, 3, False), (3, 3, True), (2, 3, False), (1, 3, True)]
These examples show how the order of the target list should be modified when calling sortByDirection
. Remember that sortByDirection
is NOT supposed to use return
but should instead modify the order of the list it's given using the .sort
method. The prints here are part of our testing setup; your sortByDirection
function does NOT need to print anything.
In []:Printsspecifications = [(1, 3, True), (1, 4, True), (1, 5, False), (1, 2, False), (1, 6, True)] print("Before sorting we have:") print(specifications) returned = sortByDirection(specifications) if returned != None: print('Oops, the sorting function had a return value!') print("After sorting we get:") print(specifications)
Before sorting we have: [(1, 3, True), (1, 4, True), (1, 5, False), (1, 2, False), (1, 6, True)] After sorting we get: [(1, 2, False), (1, 5, False), (1, 3, True), (1, 4, True), (1, 6, True)]In []:Printsspecifications = [(3, 3, True), (1, 4, False), (5, 3, False), (1, 6, True), (2, 5, False), (3, 4, True), (5, 1, True)] print("Before sorting we have:") print(specifications) returned = sortByDirection(specifications) if returned != None: print('Oops, the sorting function had a return value!') print("After sorting we get:") print(specifications)
Before sorting we have: [(3, 3, True), (1, 4, False), (5, 3, False), (1, 6, True), (2, 5, False), (3, 4, True), (5, 1, True)] After sorting we get: [(5, 3, False), (1, 4, False), (2, 5, False), (5, 1, True), (3, 3, True), (3, 4, True), (1, 6, True)]In []:Printsspecifications = [(5, 1, True), (3, 4, True), (2, 5, False), (1, 6, True), (5, 3, False), (1, 4, False), (3, 3, True)] print("Before sorting we have:") print(specifications) returned = sortByDirection(specifications) if returned != None: print('Oops, the sorting function had a return value!') print("After sorting we get:") print(specifications)
Before sorting we have: [(5, 1, True), (3, 4, True), (2, 5, False), (1, 6, True), (5, 3, False), (1, 4, False), (3, 3, True)] After sorting we get: [(5, 3, False), (1, 4, False), (2, 5, False), (5, 1, True), (3, 3, True), (3, 4, True), (1, 6, True)]
These examples show how the order of the target list should be modified when calling sortBySpan
. Remember that sortBySpan
is NOT supposed to use return
but should instead modify the order of the list it's given using the .sort
method. The prints here are part of our testing setup; your sortBySpan
function does NOT need to print anything.
In []:Printsspecifications = [(1, 3, True), (1, 4, True), (1, 5, False), (1, 2, False), (1, 6, True)] print("Before sorting we have:") print(specifications) returned = sortBySpan(specifications) if returned != None: print('Oops, the sorting function had a return value!') print("After sorting we get:") print(specifications)
Before sorting we have: [(1, 3, True), (1, 4, True), (1, 5, False), (1, 2, False), (1, 6, True)] After sorting we get: [(1, 2, False), (1, 3, True), (1, 4, True), (1, 5, False), (1, 6, True)]In []:Printsspecifications = [(1, 3, True), (3, 3, True), (2, 3, False), (5, 3, True), (4, 3, False), (6, 3, True)] print("Before sorting we have:") print(specifications) returned = sortBySpan(specifications) if returned != None: print('Oops, the sorting function had a return value!') print("After sorting we get:") print(specifications)
Before sorting we have: [(1, 3, True), (3, 3, True), (2, 3, False), (5, 3, True), (4, 3, False), (6, 3, True)] After sorting we get: [(1, 3, True), (2, 3, False), (3, 3, True), (4, 3, False), (5, 3, True), (6, 3, True)]In []:Printsspecifications = [(3, 3, True), (1, 4, False), (5, 3, False), (1, 6, True), (2, 5, False), (3, 4, True), (5, 1, True)] print("Before sorting we have:") print(specifications) returned = sortBySpan(specifications) if returned != None: print('Oops, the sorting function had a return value!') print("After sorting we get:") print(specifications)
Before sorting we have: [(3, 3, True), (1, 4, False), (5, 3, False), (1, 6, True), (2, 5, False), (3, 4, True), (5, 1, True)] After sorting we get: [(1, 4, False), (5, 1, True), (1, 6, True), (3, 3, True), (2, 5, False), (3, 4, True), (5, 3, False)]
Although the code for tuneTest
was provided with the starter code, it won't work until all of your other functions are working. This shows what the result should sound like when tuneTest
is run after your project is complete. You can hear the results of the various sorting functions used by tuneTest
In []:AudiotuneTest()
must return the correct result
function is run must match the solution result.makeTriplesList
must return the correct result
function is run must match the solution result.makeListWithDirections
must return the correct result
function is run must match the solution result.makeMeasuresList
must return the correct result
function is run must match the solution result.oddNotesMeasures
must return the correct result
function is run must match the solution result.measuresInDirection
must return the correct result
function is run must match the solution result.measuresThatReach
must return the correct result
function is run must match the solution result.getDirectionAndNotes
must return the correct result
function is run must match the solution result.getPitchSpanIntervalAndNotes
must return the correct result
function is run must match the solution result.sortByInterval
must modify its first argument correctly
with a test argument, and check to
make sure that it modifies its first argument correctly. We will
also make sure that the function returns None.sortByDirection
must modify its first argument correctly
with a test argument, and check to
make sure that it modifies its first argument correctly. We will
also make sure that the function returns None.sortBySpan
must modify its first argument correctly
with a test argument, and check to
make sure that it modifies its first argument correctly. We will
also make sure that the function returns None.addMeasureSequence
must produce the correct note sequence
is called must match the solution notes in terms of timing, instruments, pitches, and volumes.makeRunsList
with 1 parameter
to define makeRunsList
with 1 parametermakeRunsList
with 1 parameter, use a comprehension in at least one place.makeTriplesList
with 2 parameters
to define makeTriplesList
with 2 parametersmakeTriplesList
with 2 parameters, use a comprehension in at least one place.makeListWithDirections
with 2 parameters
to define makeListWithDirections
with 2 parametersmakeListWithDirections
with 2 parameters, use a comprehension in at least one place.makeMeasuresList
with 3 parameters
to define makeMeasuresList
with 3 parametersmakeMeasuresList
with 3 parameters, use a comprehension in at least one place.len
with 3 parameters, call len
in at least one place.range
with 3 parameters, call range
in at least one place.oddNotesMeasures
with 1 parameter
to define oddNotesMeasures
with 1 parameteroddNotesMeasures
with 1 parameter, use a comprehension in at least one place.measuresInDirection
with 2 parameters
to define measuresInDirection
with 2 parametersmeasuresInDirection
with 2 parameters, use a comprehension in at least one place.measuresThatReach
with 2 parameters
to define measuresThatReach
with 2 parametersmeasuresThatReach
with 2 parameters, use a comprehension in at least one place.pitchReachedFromC4
with 2 parameters, call pitchReachedFromC4
in at least one place.getDirectionAndNotes
with 1 parameter
to define getDirectionAndNotes
with 1 parametergetDirectionAndNotes
with 1 parameter, do not use any kind of loop.getPitchSpanIntervalAndNotes
with 1 parameter
to define getPitchSpanIntervalAndNotes
with 1 parametergetPitchSpanIntervalAndNotes
with 1 parameter, do not use any kind of loop.pitchSpanFromC4
with 1 parameter, call pitchSpanFromC4
in at least one place.sortByInterval
with 2 parameters
to define sortByInterval
with 2 parameterssort
with 2 parameters, call sort
in at least one place.sortByInterval
with 2 parameters, do not use any kind of loop.return
with 2 parameters, do not use return _
with 1 parameter
to define sortByDirection
with 1 parametersort
with 1 parameter, call sort
in at least one place.sortByDirection
with 1 parameter, do not use any kind of loop.return
with 1 parameter, do not use return _
with 1 parameter
to define sortBySpan
with 1 parametersort
with 1 parameter, call sort
in at least one place.sortBySpan
with 1 parameter, do not use any kind of loop.return
with 1 parameter, do not use return _
with 3 parameters
to define addMeasureSequence
with 3 parametersaddMeasureSequence
with 3 parameters, use any kind of loop in at least one place.setPitch
with 3 parameters, call setPitch
in exactly one place.setTime
with 3 parameters, call setTime
in exactly one place.customMeasure
with 3 parameters, call customMeasure
in at least one place.sort
with 3 parameters, do not call sort
with 3 parameters, do not use return _
must produce the correct note sequence
is called must match the solution notes in terms of timing, instruments, pitches, and volumes.measuresThatReach
with 2 parameters
to define measuresThatReach
with 2 parametersmeasuresThatReach
with 2 parameters, use a comprehension in at least one place.pitchReachedFromC4
with 2 parameters, call pitchReachedFromC4
in at least one place.