@extends('template') @section('title') Lab Reference - Recursion Design Patterns @stop @section('content') # Lab Reference - Recursion Design Patterns This reference page contains examples of common recursive design patterns in CS111. These patterns share some common steps: 1. Some **action** to produce the fundamental unit of the design (e.g., one line of output; one shape in a visual pattern; one note in a song). 2. **Recursion** - an invocation of the same function that we're working on to repeat the design. For `turtle` drawing functions, we may also have: 3. **Setup** - The movement of the turtle to get into position for what's next. 4. An **invariant**-preserving movement to get back to the starting position for each piece of the drawing. Every recursive design we’re creating can be broken down into some combination of these steps. Understanding this can be useful, because it gives you some scaffolding to work with when you approach a new problem. These pieces of recursive designs can also be expressed along with other fundamental design questions that you should answer before you start working on a solution: - What is the base case? - What is the fundamental action? - How many times will it recurse (both in total, and per function call frame)? - Is setup needed? (only for `turtle` drawing, usually) - Is there an invariant to preserve? The rest of this page contains examples of recursive patterns you've seen. For each pattern, the corresponding design pattern is shown. ## Act-recurse Patterns These patterns have a simple act-recurse structure. Examples include: ```py def countDown(n): if n <= 0: # Base case pass else: # Act print(n) # Recurse countDown(n-1) ``` Output: ``` >>> countDown(5) 5 4 3 2 1 ``` ``` def tower(name): if len(name) == 0: # Base case pass else: # Act print(name) # Recurse tower(name[1:]) ``` Output: ```py >>> tower('Wellesley') Wellesley ellesley llesley lesley esley sley ley ey y ``` Drawing nested squares also fits the act-recurse pattern: ```py def nestedSquares(num, size): if (number > 0): square(size) # action nestedSquares(num-1, size/2) # recursive call ``` Result: ```py >>> nestedSquares(3, 90) ``` A series of three squares of decreasing sizes (each 1/2 as large as the previous) but this time their lower-left corners are on top of each other, so that the smaller squares are drawn within the larger squares. The turtle is at that lower-left corner, and is facing right. ## Act-recurse-act Patterns These patterns take action both before and after the recursion. It's a bit hard to think through at first, but the two actions are actually sandwiched on either side of a lot of other actions when the recursion gets going. ``` def countDownUp(n): if n <= 0: # Base case pass else: # Act print(n) # Recurse countDownUp(n-1) # Act print(n) ``` Output: ```py >>> countDownUp(3) 3 2 1 1 2 3 ``` ## Act-setup-recurse and Act-setup-recurse-invariant Patterns These patterns involve some setup code before the next recursive call, and may involve an invariant (we usually require one). ```py def spiral(length, segments): if segments > 0: fd(length) # act lt(90) # setup spiral(length * 0.75, segments - 1) ``` ```py spiral(100, 8) ``` A spiral composed of lines at right angles to each other, each 3/4 as long as the last. There are 8 segments, and the turtle is at the tip of the last segment, rotated 90 degrees and ready to continue the spiral. `spiralReturn` is the same pattern, but this time with code that enforces an invariant: ```py def spiralReturn(length, segments): if segments > 0: fd(length) # act lt(90) # setup spiralReturn(length * 0.75, segments - 1) lt(-90) # invariant bk(length) # invariant part 2 ``` ```py spiralReturn(100, 8) ``` The same 8-segment right-angled spiral, but this time the turtle is back at the beginning of the spiral pointed along its first segment, rather than at the end poised to continue. ## Complex patterns More complex patterns are possible. For example, from this lab, `superDiagonal` uses act-setup-recurse-setup-recurse-invariant: ```py def superDiagonal(number, size): ''' Recursively draw a row of squares that get progressively smaller by 1/2 each time where each successive square is anchored on the upper right corner of the previous square and the upper left corner of the previous square. ''' if (number > 0): square(size) # back at lower left starting point # get into position for recursive call fd(size) lt(90) fd(size) rt(90) # recursive call for diagonal stemming from upper right corner # Note the 2. allows for more precision, e.g. if size is odd # then we get a more accurate half size. superDiagonal(number-1, size/2) # first recursive call # maintain position invariant by undoing the steps before # the recursive call lt(90) bk(size) rt(90) bk(size) # back at lower left corner, facing East # draw the diagonal in the SouthWest direction lt(180) superDiagonal(number-1, size/2) # second recursive call rt(180) ``` ```py >>> superDiagonal(3, 125) ``` Seven squares, with a larger square and two scaled-down versions of the previous pattern at its top-right and bottom-left corners. The mini-patterns now overlap the larger pattern, as their bottom-left and top-right mini-squares, respectively, are inside of the main largest square. Meanwhile, `triangleBeats` uses recurse-act-recurse: ```py def triangleBeats(duration, complexity): """ Adds a pattern of shorter and longer beats to the current track, with the longest beat in the center of the track, and shorter beats to either side. A single beat of the given duration is added, but before and after that, two more triangleBeats patterns are added, each with 3/4 of the original duration and one less complexity. When called with zero or negative complexity, nothing is added to the current track. """ if complexity > 0: triangleBeats(duration*0.75, complexity - 1) # recurse addBeat(duration) # act triangleBeats(duration*0.75, complexity - 1) # recurse ```

Here is what the result sounds like for `triangleBeats(0.16, 3)`; you can see the correct printed output below as well.

Show the output for triangleBeats(0.16, 3) ```txt a 0.09s snare beat and a 0.12s snare beat and a 0.09s snare beat and a 0.16s snare beat and a 0.09s snare beat and a 0.12s snare beat and a 0.09s snare beat ```
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