@extends('template') @section('title') Lab 2: Part 0: Introduction to Codder @stop @section('content') #Lab 02: Quick Codder introduction ## Last week's pset Remember `timeProfiler.py` from PS01 that you just submitted? Here's one possible output (the user input is not shown to save space): ```py Weekly time profile for Emma: 44.04 class hours: CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 22.5 extracurricular hours: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 47.25 sleep hours: SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS 54.21 free hours: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ``` ## Introduction to Codder In this course we use a Python program called **Codder** that helps test and give you feedback on your code. *Hat tip to the developers of Codder — Ben Wood, Franklyn Turbak and Scott Anderson.* Starting with ps02, Codder will be used to help verify your problem set code is running as expected. You will upload your file to the server (via a web interface), and Codder will test for the most common cases and expectations, but it might not be comprehensive. Codder checks the results of your code—it does __not__ provide complete feedback for design or [code style](/styleguide). In short: Codder is there to help you reach the correct solution, but you are responsible for your code and you should always “cross your t's & dot your i's” when it comes to testing and checking work before submission. Today, we want to demonstrate how to use Codder so you're familiar with it for the problem sets. We'll use an imperfect `timeProfiler.py` solution file as an example. In general, we strongly recommend running your code in Canopy before using Codder. ## Procedure 1. Go to [cs.wellesley.edu/codder](http://cs.wellesley.edu/codder). You should see this page:
2. Click on the "Please authenticate first" link. This will bring you to the Wellesley login page. Log yourself in using your Wellesley gmail credentials. You must be officially registered in the class for this to work. 3. After you login, you should see this page:
4. Click on the "Choose an activity" button and select `ps01` from the drop-down menu. 5. Click on the "Choose File" button and select your `timeProfiler.py` file from your `lab02` folder on your Desktop. 6. Click on the "submit file" button. 7. Codder will provide some feedback about your code __You may run Codder as often as you like__, the results are solely for your consumption. ## Troubleshooting Things to check if Codder is not running as expected: + If you are not officially registered in the course, Codder will not work for you at this time. + Confirm your file name **exactly** matches what is in the problem set instructions. Case matters, so if the instructions say `timeProfiler.py` but you name your file all lowercase `timeprofiler.py`, you will run into problems. @include('/labs/lab02/_toc') @stop